I enjoyed playing this a lot! I gotta admit, it was longer & more difficult than I expected. I'd like to see more games from you, so keep it up!
I was going to suggest new animals to be added to the game, but after messing with the save files I found that it was already part of the plan. Here is photo evidence.
So I might have just ruined the surprise of some later pre-pre-pre-release, but at the moment they aren't very interesting. Chicken apparently lay eggs, but the item is buggy and turns invisible when you pick it up. Otherwise, right now they act just like cows. And their models obviously aren't complete. This leads me to believe that they will be improved and actually added to the game or deleted from the game and forgotten forever.
I think this game is more about production and advancement than combat. Maybe a better idea would be some way to make mods for the game, so other people can make stuff like this while Denki works on adding more to the game. It's a bit too early to start talking about multiplayer and hordes. After all, it's still in Pre-Pre-Pre-Alpha 4.
I have some suggestions that I believe would be useful when making Workerbot code.
1. Selecting Segments of Code - Many times I want to copy, move or delete large segments of code, but in order to move or delete large segments of code, I need to move/delete each individual piece. And as far as I know, there is no way to copy code. I simply want to be able to click and drag to select multiple pieces of code that I can move somewhere else, copy, or delete.
2. Repeat Loops - I often want a Workerbot to do something multiple times before going to do something else. The repeat loop would work like a while loop, but instead of a condition, it would have a number that you type in.
3. If/Else Statements - I'm not sure exactly how this would be implemented, but I thought it would be nice if a Workerbot could check whether a storage was full, or what item it's holding.
4. Functions - This one is actually unnecessary, but it would be nice to declare a function and call it from different parts of the code instead of making the code so large.
5. Try/Catch Statements - This final one would be the most exciting and useful one of all. The Workerbot would try to run the code in the try section. Let's say it was meant to chop down trees. It would try to look for the nearest tree, go to it, and use held item. If there are no nearby trees, it can't get to the tree, or it's not holding an item, instead of the waiting/error symbol appearing over its head, it would interrupt the code and go straight to the catch section.
These are some of the more practical suggestions that I think of, and I really hope at least a few of these are added to the game. If you feel like the try statements are too much power to give someone, I would recommend making it something for only Advanced Workerbots that would be made out of metal. Either way, keep up the good work!