Check out the awesome review from d757 that inspired us to work in the future RPG mobile/web version of the game!
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Ok. I’ll try again later!!!. Meanwhile why don’t you check out my Bible game? You can download it 👍
It's always free! but would be awesome if you review it or if you publish a Gameplay! Remember: LOGOS is not just another Bible based video game.
LOGOS Bible-based Video Game:
Unlike other biblical or Christian games, LOGOS does not seek to eliminate the violent part of the Bible, on the contrary, it is intended to show the Bible for what it is: A point of controversy for some and a source of inspiration to others.
LOGOS Bible-based game:
Made with love for you. If you like it VOTE UP ✌️
Check out our LOGOS Bible-based game for FREE. Unlike other biblical or Christian games, LOGOS does not seek to eliminate the violent part of the Bible, on the contrary, it is intended to show the Bible for what it is: A point of controversy for some and a source of inspiration to others:
Details here ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^) 👉
LOGOS explores why Moses was a warrior, why fallen angels became demons, and why being chosen by God does not seem like a blessing at first, among other theological concepts. LOGOS is the result of a passionate search in the Bible, in the books of Enoch, Yashar and in the original touch that characterizes the indie developments.