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A member registered Apr 04, 2020

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(1 edit)

Hi. Just starting by saying i love the game, i'm playing it non stop since i bought it. But here some things i will like. Those as more as my fellings towards the game to be more friendly than ideas, hopping it will go this way.
1. Finance. This is my nemesis. I find it really hard to win money and to not go bankrupt. The only "long" try i had was when i cheated to had some cash at the begining. (If you have any tips feel free to help me. :P )
2. Groups. I don't like to be forced to have 10 idols to strat a new one. I love to have the opportunity to launch another group quicker with less Idols. And also the choice to completly separate to groups and not having a A and B line up.
3. Singles. I love to not have the selling of the singles be direct, but spaced in time. (Game Dev Tycoon like)
4.  Writer. Maybe adding a knew staff member to help the player to write songs ?
5. Player. Maybe the player can do everything the other staff member are doing when you are lacking in a staff member.
6. Start. Maybe starting with a random song style and choregraphie so you can start winning money quickely ?
7. Album. Puting single together to make an album and getting sales from old things ?
Hope this give you ideas and help you. Have a nice day. :D

Edit : Wanted to had something. I realised what doomed my finances, and it's trying to keep the idols happy with their salary. The only way a can manage to win money in short terme, is to keep they salary low, but the all be unhappy. Impossible for them to be happy and have money. :/