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A member registered Aug 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Groovy, thanks for that.

So, I've been using this in a Starforge game to explore a different part of a setting I'm using for a writing project. It's fun, but trying it on Dangerous and Formidable challenge so far either I've gotten lucky or it's kinda easy? 3-4 Progress is no joke, especially if 1) you go into a Framejoust with relatively high integrity (using the Snubfighter asset, so +3/4) and farming rolls until you get a +5/6 on your action die seems kind of OP. It has led to an amusing scene where my character on a solo scouting mission managed to a) sneak his mech to an enemy outpost, b) get ambushed by a merc in a shwanky mech, c) proceed to dodge the initial strike and after a Strong Match Maneuver +2x Strong Hit Lock On wreck said merc's face in before causing said installation to surrender. The merc got away (because why waste a good rival so soon?), but it was still very amusing to turn into 621 on my guy's 2nd vow when I had just planned for him to start out as a regular pilot.

This is nice! Question: is Manuever supposed to be only for when you're in control?

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Heya! Question about the Conquerors; I was going to run a 6-man game using a fully perked-out FIERCE beast instead of a conqueror, both beasts act and move separately on same turn; where would you say the Conquerors compare to the FIERCE beast? Have you tried running Conquerors for larger parties?

Okay, groovy! Let us know when it gets added, I'd be interested to see what it is

Used Hammer in a game lately; players loved it, but felt like Tether didn't have that many consequences (maybe I was just running it wrong). Still, it (and the other stuff) are rad.

So, I want to buy this because it looks interesting, but I really don't want to create a PayPal account, and for whatever reason PayPal won't let me buy as a guest. Might I ask if you'd be willing to add, say, payment through Itch?

(2 edits)

A while back I remember reading a contest entry for a book series where someone came up with a pocket dimension with a very heavily Chivalric Romance theme- there were fey, knightly quests, three Special knights with their sashes, etc. I loved it, and I love this too, fully expect some of the pages to eat through my printer's color ink cartridge. (Edit: JK it turns out my black cartridge died first when trying to print the weapons. Any chance we could please get a version with white background and black text to alleviate that?)

I do have a question about the journey part of the hunt; how much health/approaches should the challenges and quests consume? Like, there'll be nine challenges, and each knight has 3 quests to complete right? Assuming each challenge and quest takes one Approach (focusing on that for now), and can recover up to two approaches/one health (which I'm going to say is equivalent to one approach since a challenge could be solved by, to use an example, someone pointing the Sword and firing their Swordbeam at that reanimated knight armor instead of them spending Guile or something), so that's 9 approaches minimum eaten up, leaving a 2-man team with at most 21 approaches, a 3-man team with 36, and a 4-man team with at most 54; is this a correct expectation, that each challenge/quest should require just one Knight to spend an approach? Or should I adjust my expectation for how many approaches a Knight that bothers to do all their quests will end with?

(Also, side question: how does the Gigantic beast's Crash interact with the Knight of Stone's power? Does it just ram into/is stopped by any rocks in its way?)

Great, thanks for clarifying re:enter the fray. Think it might be worth it reskinning Clash/Strike for the Duel context to allow other skills, in order to show that you're not inflicting physical harm so much as "mental" or "poise" harm?

Regarding Blade-Bound and Drifter, for some reason I thought you would be getting actively penalized if you followed the advice of someone else, so nevermind that.

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Picked this up on DriveThruRpg, looks interesting. Question about Enter the Fray: for Ironsworn Badlands' "Enter the Fray" version and the "classic Western Duel", does that mean that stuff like Face Danger/Secure an Advantage would fill up the progress track? Like rolling Secure an Advantage +Shadow/+Iron to make an insinuation to unnerve your opponent, or Face Danger +Heart/Secure an Advantage +Wits in order to hold onto your nerves as you wait for the Sun to get in your opponent's eyes.

EDIT: And a follow-up question, how would you rule Drifter's first perk interacting with Blade-Bound, since Blade-Bound weapons are kinda-sorta characters in their own right?

Picked this up, looks interesting! Quick question about Aptitudes: in "Core Mechanics", it says to always roll 3d6 for Aptitudes; however in the "Characters" section is says you can assign either [3,3,3] or [4,3,2] to each aptitude score, and that you could increase an Aptitude score up to 5; could you kindly provide some clarity, as it seems like you're saying "Sure, you could have a might of 2 or 5 but you'd still only roll 3d6 for it," is that correct?

Gotcha, thanks for the response. Minor follow-up; would this apply to any "lore/fluff-only" homebrew as well, or is it just for "mechanical" supplements?

I had a question- if I'm making homebrew content for a game that uses LUMEN and includes the "Illuminated by LUMEN" license/image, do I need to include the LUMEN license text/image or should the one in the main game be good enough?

Ohhhh yeah!

Question: for those who got first flight, what access would they have to the updated base rules? Ignoring fancy things like (to use the roadmap for hypotheticals) an "Into the Veil" supplement?

Thank you for adding short little blurbs to the text boxes! I had thought "Strong" was what I wanted to use for 2-hander weapons, like the Heavy Rifle- woops!

But yeah, having played a little bit more I have to say- dual rotary machine guns is some of the purest, doofiest fun I've had recently even if Heavy Rifle and jumping around like a bouncy ball gets me more mileage, so thank you for making that an option.

Ohhh, gotcha. That explains why clicking left and right mouse simultaneously stopped rotating earlier.

It would be nice if there was a brief text description for each part, along the lines of "this part is meant for XYZ" as it would help when contrasting parts of different types- I think I switched my booster from one of the Agile ones (I think) to standard III and saw all the dash/glide stuff shoot up and went "Huh.". 

Going off the "What the heck do these parts do",  it seems to me that the +/- in the stats window when changing a part are set with reference to some (for lack of better word) arbitrary value? It kinda makes it a bit difficult to isolate what each part is doing; perhaps you could add a way to set this reference point to the current loadout?

Under the "Weapons" tab, I'm not seeing any difference in  stats between  Booster I and Dynamo; is there just an in-game difference? Same for Weapon Damage, though I may just be missing that.

Just got it, seems interesting and will give more in-depth thoughts after I've played for a bit. Two things come to mind though:

1. Can you add in an option to slow down how fast the mechs rotate? It's kind of hard to get a good read on what changing each option does.

2. What are ArmL/ArmR/LegEndo?

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I'm excited to see this is finished! Hopefully I'll be able to get this in the future when I have a similarly eager group.

Speaking of, may I ask what your policy is on sharing the PDF with other group members of the same campaign- would I be able to share (edit: or print for in-person sessions) it/parts of it (such as the playbooks) with others so long as they didn't further distribute it past that, or would you prefer they buy a copy as well to access it?

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This looks really exciting, and might scratch that mecha itch I've had. I've read through the (what I think is) most recent version in the zip document, though I haven't played it yet so some of my questions might need experience to be played through/are somewhere in the pdf and I just haven't seen it yet.

1. How is the "Sortie->Downtime->Conflict" cycle supposed to go? What about, say, a multi-sortie mission where the characters are in the field for a long time between major components- would downtime be skipped, or would options be restrained to the narrative?

2. The Conflict turns seem... vauge when it comes to resolving them. What's the relation between tokens and dice for the cause? How would you get players from trying to game the system for the cause?

3. Are projects ever explained somewhere?

4. Am I able to print out copies of the playbooks?

5. I've never used PbtA in general; can multiple people use the same playbook?

6. Some of the Parts lack power costs

7. If you're running a B-plot, could you take other characters (Channeler or no) with you? Like, say you're a captain going to attend a shady meeting and want the guy who can atomize a house along as muscle while everyone else is doing something important- could I use a B-Plot move for that, or would that be better done as the "Something Else" downtime?

8. As a follow-up, can multiple support characters use separate B-plot moves?

9. Gear Tags/Traits aren't alphabetical

10. Are multiple people allowed to run the same playbook for their characters?

11. The Stake for divisions seems kinda low- with an average of 3 and 1d6, that's a 50 percent chance of knocking stake down. Is a faction intended to be KO'd in three conflict scenes? 

12. An explanation of "Hold" would be useful for anyone who hasn't played  PbtA.

13. In FATE, there's an option to Create an Advantage, such as entangling someone in a net. What would be the way to do that here- for example PC Bob is fighting NPCs Steven and Earl, and Earl tries to flush Bob out of cover for Steven to hit. Would that just be Bob rolling Weather the Storm/whatever and on failure taking a Peril?

14. Is Weave Magic intended to be used for the same capabilities as Exchange Blows/Strike Decisively? If not, could you roll CHANNEL for the other ones?

15. Are you able to take the options from advancing multiple times? Or is each option only takeable once, and thus there is an effective "Level cap"- For example, I can only get up to 2 Soldier Moves throughout a campaign because the option only appears twice.

16. When describing Spotlight, the "If you take a move..." sentence at the end could use clearer writing- is that saying that I can spend all of my spotlight to both a) advance and b) make a move with advantage?

17. Am I correct in assuming that Confidence and Desperation cancel out?

18. Advancement can happen whenever, correct?

19. If you permanently get rid of a hook by spending it, can you gain another one later? Same with crossed-out gravity clocks.