Sorry mate, I'm pretty sure this one's up to the devs to fix. They used to update (roughly) once a month, fixing most (if not all) of the bugs found that month. Not sure if they're going to keep that up now that it's released. Only time will tell.
Recent community posts
While I can't seem to reproduce FlowerThief's issue, I did manage to get a ghost idol stuck to my cursor that I can't do anything with:
I achieved this only with an autoclicker.
And I mean, she got real stuck. Only after selecting another idol through the single creation menu did I get rid of her.
Mebius_Tos' issue is very easy to reproduce though. To help clarify their images, as I assume they are Japanese and not confident enough to post in English, it's achieved by starting to drag an idol by leftclicking, then rightclicking them while still dragging them, hence adding them to the formation, leaving you with the idol still on your cursor, after which you can drag that one over to formation as well.
Very easy to reproduce.
ありがと Mebius_Tos
Grats on Calli and Milky Queen streaming the game btw, Sadambober. I'd imagine that got the game quite some traction.
Activities in general are a bit weird and in need of some TLC. They feel more like a hassle than a boon most of the time. As some (including myself) have reported several bugs regarding them, they are also not very helpful compared to other things you can do in the game. If you solely want to gain stamina through them, you have to wait for the soft cooldown of the spa treatment to wear off, or it's not as effective. The performance money gain doesn't scale with the amount of idols you have, while still increasing in stamina cost for every idol you have, and promotion is borderline mandatory early game to gain any sort of foothold.
Again, it's just my opinion, but I think the activities are in need of a bit of a rework. Sadambober, perhaps you can have a look at it at some point?
That's about their drop rates in general? While I agree with that post, that's not exactly what Loacoon is talking about, right? If a modded unique idol's params.json doesn't mention a specific rarity, it shouldn't have a higher chance to spawn as a higher rarity, no? And if it has a minimum rarity, it should only have a chance to appear if the game normally would give you such a rarity to begin with. These are of course just my opinions, and I think you guys seem to share them? Would love to see more attention to how mods should/can behave from a player's perspective.
Hey, been a while since I've posted stuff here. Thought I'd put some observations I found. (Warning, massive post ahead)She's in two rooms at the same time. One is styling her for sexy, the other for cool.
Choosing any of the styling options (Including 'All visual params') under 'Auto Practice' doesn't work. The tick doesn't appear and vanishes from the list until any of the top 4 options are chosen.
While being on the topic of stylists, I would humbly request an option (in the policies section, probably) to disallow stylists to work on stats that are over an idol's potential.
Singles still grant buzz, but it looks to me like that function has been removed from the game. The main UI does not show any mention of buzz anymore.
The photogenic trait claims to make negotiations in photoshoot contracts always successful, but they aren't. And the 'random photo marketing promo' is no longer a thing from what I can tell.
Again, is buzz even still a thing?
Still on the topic of traits, can we get an option for idols like this to train their lowest stat in their auto-practice option? Perhaps also an option to not train any of their stats that are already at or over their potential.
Swapping tabs (with tab or MMB) while carrying an event/show/single will stick it to your cursor, until you click on the originating event/show/single again.
Adding activities to your queue and then removing them greys out the activities and will not allow you to re-add them by clicking (in the 'Details' menu or the 'Activities' menu) Shortcuts (Z, X, C) will still work.
For that matter, level-up requirements for activities do not update for the 'details' menu when the requirements are reached during an activity cooldown, while they do update in the 'Activities' menu itself.
After building your first expansion on a floor, the subsequent floors' rents go up, this is normal, but for some reason the floors going down gain a higher increase of rent than the floors going up.
If you lower an idol's salary to ¥1.000 /w, you can no longer increase it by pressing the plus button (You can still change it with the edit icon)
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Raising one idol's salary reduces the satisfaction of other idols, this is intended(?), but can mess up the auto 50% salary policy, making some idols get under the asked for 50%. Also, why is there no 100% option?
Elements of the game are clickable through the bottom UI bar.

This also causes tooltips to overlap
One thing I would love to see is the ability to view idols' profiles while deciding on a formation for new singles. This will allow you to see which idols like or dislike each other and who has been a center/part of other singles, among other things.
I find the inconsistency of the stamina limits between policies and the cafe a bit strange. (And the theater doesn't have any?)
Speaking of the theater, I can't select Young Adult or Adult as the target audience for Sunday, as the dropdown box goes off the screen.
I know this is a massive list, and some of these are just pet peeves, but I thought I'd mention them anyways.
Thanks for all the hard work, loving the game still,
A few more things I noticed, and then I'll leave you be.
There don't seem to be any true enforced maximums of these gauges:
Research doesn't actually seem to progress at all if you only give it 50:
A way to input the percentages instead of only having sliders would be great for people that like clean numbers:
The fact that destroying a power line costs over 6 times the amount used to build it feels off:
The offers aren't nearly as efficient as just straight selling off the power to the city is:
Research costs accumulate as work debt, even if you have money for R&D to just take:
The fact that the numbers of boilers and turbines actually represent °C only became clear to me when you mentioned it:
Would be nice to have some sort of auto-refill option for these (It also wasn't clear to me at the start that I had to click the cube button there):
I feel it would be nice to be able to cancel/turn off destruction mode by right-clicking:
Hope this helps you out. I'm really liking the look of the game, and look forward to seeing more.
Best of luck.
Game looks really nice. Good soundscape and visuals. But I have no clue what I'm doing. I have a setup, I think it gave me power earlier, which I was able to sell, but it no longer works. There's no tooltips, barely any info, no tutorial, no help page, no indication of what I'm doing right or wrong. Looking forward to seeing more, though.
Got a pretty gnarly visual glitch happening all over the screen whenever I do one of the daily tasks. (Performance in this example)
Here's a small snippet of it:
Found a new freeze. This one happened after an audition, during the first new idol's event. As shown in the image, I can still interact with the background. (I even managed to save, so I didn't lose any progress)
The wrong idol portrait is sometimes being shown in a conversation:
She (the wrongfully displayed one) is the same as the successor I got that I was talking about in the previous report.
I found a good old fashioned game freeze.
Idol graduation event happened.
Chose to get a successor.
Successor's introduction event happened.
Game soft freezes.
And now for some rapid-fire smaller bugs and annoyances.
She's already graduated:
Is there supposed to be a hard cap of 7 on queue length, even though the producer is a higher level?
Right-clicking while hovering over an option in the left-hand menu (as to close it) will register it as a normal click, thus completing the action while the menu is closing:
Sometimes auto options (such as auto practice or auto stamina recovery) turn off seemingly at random:
Speaking of auto stamina recovery; since there are Psychiatrists and Physicians, their auto stamina recovery options should be split into auto physical- and auto mental stamina recovery.
Since the recent update introduced automatically disabling and re-enabling of auto practice when dragging a job to their respective rooms, such as a single, why is this not a thing for office workers?
Even though I have selected my vibe to be changed to 'cute', it is still stuck on 'cool':
I don't know if it's any use in these cases, but here's the log anyway:
Yes, this has been a long session (which wasn't possible before, so kudos!), so the log is quite extensive.
Another 1 short. I wonder if this is an off-by-one error somewhere?
As buzz seems to be hard-capped at 1000%, should a source of buzz be able to give more than 1000% buzz? (To clarify: My buzz did not go above 1000%)
I'm also not sure if fan satisfaction should really be 0% if it's my best-selling single so far. Either that or I just don't know what fan satisfaction stands for.
(Also, yes, I was 1 sale short. Curse you, game.)
(Lots of screenshots in this one)
I noticed that negotiating business proposals doesn't actually adhere to the percentage that it displays. I'm not sure if this variation is intended. If it is, I think it's not explained clearly enough.
Assume the staffer is max level in deals and a sales manager:
Example 1:
A max level staffer's negotiation result of 0% yields a decrease of about 15% instead. I have seen cases of both increases and decreases.
Example 2:
A max level staffer's negotiation result of +100% yields an increase of about 70% instead. I have seen cases of both higher and lower than +100%.
And here's the log:
Right after the previously mentioned graduation event, the music stayed muffled, as if still in the event, right-click does not close the left-hand menu (manual closing still works) and the game seems to be working just fine.
(Are my massive amount of reports useful at all, or am I overdoing it?)
Game froze on this screen again. Happened after a birthday event. Pretty sure it was supposed to be a graduation event.
This time I do have the log:
Sometimes I can not market a release. Dragging the single does not produce a CD icon, and dropping on a staffer does nothing.
Here is the log:
Restarting the game does not fix the issue. The single can still be released.