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A member registered Apr 14, 2022

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God s dead. And this motherfucker spits on his grave.

What he said ☝️


Thank you.... for everything.

Yes, there are 22 games in this series. 

If you mean the game released by Fouzi, than yes. The original Butterfly comes from the Happiness series. He is one of the most important characters in the games.  This game is a remaster of his origin.
So basically, the Zero, the Butterfly and the CC you see in this game, are the same from the game Observer.

This is only the first chapter and its already better than Starfield.

The amount of NSFW, cameos and easter eggs.
All in all it is more of everything.

For the next trick, Fouzi will rip your hearts apart in under 5 minutes :D

I see what you mean. The old engine had great features like, saving the game or skip text but the art is 100% an upgrade :D 

There is only one Ending in this game, but this game is just a part of a big series. So this isn't the end. :) 

Fouzi just made a music channel on Discord 8 hours ago :D

Damn, Carmine lost her normal life, than her daughter, than her boyfriend, than her husband and now she lost the voting.
I mean she never had a chance against GOATS like CC and Mirall, but I hope she won't disappear for ever. 

Thank you for the recommendation. I will definitely give it a try. 

What a great transition for the next part if this epic story. 
I'll be cheering for Hasan!

Ohhh. Thank you for explanation, now it makes sense to me. 
I can't wait for your next master piece.

Hey I really fell in love with your work and can't wait to see what you will do next. One thing I still don't completely understand is, how afterlife works? For example, Butterfly dies in "Happiness" and returns in the "Milker". In another game he also somehow ends up in Destinys torcher room.
Is this just another version of him that somehow got the memories
Or did I missed an important part?
Is this the SYSTEM that brought him to life?

Can't wait to hear more. Good luck with this project. It sounds amazing!