i can't wait for the next build. Good luck Xarishro.^^
Recent community posts
The Burning Woof uses the theme of Expanding very well.
I found myself thinking about the theme as well as seeing it through the main character as he also tries to understand the theme.
Its creative, taking the whole burning man and using it as inspiration for this game jam story.
Great Work WackyWoof.^^
Sorry if this review/reflection for the game jam is short. I'm not good at writing my thoughts down.
The latest Build 10 was awesome. The writing here is really amazing. It really adds to what happened in the last build. How the atmosphere and scene was presented in the past build. And the further context with this Build. I hope you take your time to make the next build. It was worth the wait; at least i think so.^^
(i don't know if editing ends up as a notification. Sorry if it does. I wanted to make sure to leave a good comment about my thoughts.)