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A member registered Sep 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Game is pretty fun, responsive and have a such a good game juice, I really enjoy the experience. Afterwall I think would be nice add a fade in and fade out transition, because seems the game freezes for a while and then change a scene.
Great work guys! keep going!

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I like the visuals, gameplay is fine, it was a fun experience. Would be nice one arrow pointing out where to find the enemies or if a mini map indicates enemies location and different feedback to smash enemies. 
But for real, still really great and fun to play, great job guys.

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I like the visuals and the gameplay, congratulations! Currently I have something I believe will be good for improve the game, I think the idea is really good, but sometimes the game doesn't push me to hunt the enemies at certain point, maybe with a arrow icon to find enemy location will be nice or simple mini map, by the way great work guys! 

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Game muito charmoso, tem Ui muito bem feita e trás uma experiência divertida.
Não encontrei bugs, a gameplay se passa com um enredo simples, mas bem criativo, profundo assim digamos. Os controles respondem bem e o game foi muito bem polido, por detalhe de polimento assim dizer, só adicionaria um cursor diferente (Claro, entendo que para um game de jam, isto não é o core, mais uma observação mesmo), manteria o charme e acompanharia o estilo bonito do game, parabéns ao pessoal da no slopes!

thank you s2

I submitted at time but, i'm looking for implements new scenes, final boss and fix the game over ., thank you!

if u Wanna join us, contact me in discord  [alissonthx]#1634 and we have deal, cya.

contact me in discord  [alissonthx]#1634, we have 1 artist, 1 composer, 2 Dev programmer.

that's awesome!, i'll tell u the server for u join us.

Team looking for artist, we have 2 programmer's and one composer, if u wanna join us, contact me on discord [alissonthx]#1634.

that's awesome, if u wanna join us, add in discord [alissonthx]#1634

tenho sim, me acha no discord se quiser: [alissonthx]#1634

Do u have team? i'm looking for someone for join us, i'm brazilian too anyway. 

contact me in discord  [alissonthx]#1634

I'm looking for people to join us in my first mini jam, i'm beginner in Unity and C# and i have good ideas to make together good project.