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A member registered 64 days ago · View creator page →

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I've uploaded a new update that fixes this issue!

I just uploaded a new update about the neurons. Sorry, but please play our game again :(

Sorry about your experience! I uploaded a new update that should make things easier :)

The game has hentai imagery for scientific purposes 

Thanks for playing! I'm currently uploading a new update that tweaks the Trascendence, Evocytes and Xenocytes stuff.

Wow thank you for the feedback! I'm uploading a new update at the moment that will hopefully solve these issues :)

Yes they're especially harder to beat you'll need a good strategy :)

I made some changes so things will be a bit easier :)

I'm glad my game is helping you!

I made some changes on the update right now!

I just uploaded a new update that will hopefully make things easier. :)


This should be fixed on the final game!

Yep it'll be an upcoming feature!~


Oh sorry about that! 

The final game will have a "hint" feature and improved UI so you know what you're doing in the game. :)

Seems like a neat game