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A member registered Feb 26, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank so you much for the feedback and for the kind words! This really means a lot to me! 

Its really funny that you actually manage to clear the game without the stalker seeing you, considering its a very smallish map but lucky you! :)

I spent the last few hours of polish to improve the ambiente and atmosphere and it seems like that worked out. 

Considering that this was my game and my first jam I am really happy with the results and your kind words are the cherry on top! Looking forward to the next Jam :)

Thank you very much! Glad you liked it! 

I think rotating the gun is definetly a great idea. I think I would consider giving it a try to make the gun rotation more "freely". Maybe press a button and then instead of "looking" with the mouse you are now rotating the gun freely in your hand. I have no idea if this works but I would be really curious. It would be controlled similar to the Hand simulator game (
) which does not take itself too serious and is really clunky but loads of fun for a short time.

I hope you understand what I am going for here :)

Love the visuals! And for a first gamejam thats definetly a great outcome! I am really looking forward to what your team can do in more than 72 hours! Not a big fan of "bullethellish" games but considering that I really liked it. I think it could have benefitted of more juice (like screenshake or more feedback when you get hit or hit something bigger)

Love the visuals in this game. The map and music feels really cyber for me! Did not quite use the slow time function so you could add more benefit to that (the shotgun is a nice gimmic /or a bug ;)) Would´ve loved more preprocessing or juice with screen shake and stuff. Other than that: lovely submission!

I am always amazed what people can actually bring onto the "paper" in such a short time. Really well done considering the time limit! Love the art

This is just perfect! Didn´t encounter a bug but the idea, the amount of levels, the different floor "materials" that have a different effect. The puzzle variety! This is top noth 72h gamejamming you did there. Really love everything about it

Holy Guacamole, you made all this in 72h?! Thats a really polished gamejam submission and a great idea! You nailed the theme and limitation and almost everything is top-notch! Sometimes its a bit buggy but thats really just so I can give you critique somewhere! 100% a winning submission in my opinion! 

Very challenging game but the visuals are very very well done! Also love the music and concept. You definetly nailed the theme here and the Jumping and falling with one button is done very good as well. There is a bit too much on the screen for me maybe the background could be a little burred or something. I am not too sure what I would try to change but this is definetly a great submission imo!

Definetly a short lived but great submission! Loved the music and the artstyle and the pushing is super satisfying! I do agree with the indicator if you are gonna die but you definetly also nailed the limitation and theme here. Love this!

I didn´t quite understand if I was even pressing the right buttons or if these are even buttons. I think I would´ve loved visual feedback or even a small click sound for the buttons. But the idea is great and once I understood it I could not stop until I made it! Great submission!

I like the idea. I think the main problem is that its really hectic to always turn around when you are trying to see where you are going but I understand thats the main idea behind the concept. What I think is a bit out of place is the enemies. I think this would work better with no enemies and more time with the map layout and puzzles! Considering the 72h deadline definetly a good idea and a good submissioN!

Love that you fixed the left click. Its definetly a top tier submission! Love the art and the general style and feel of the game! Also great concept! 

Loved the art, loved the music and I really like the concept! Thats great work for 72h! I can see a full game with this concept. I also was a bin confused first but figured it out after a while of random clicking and then reading the description.