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A member registered Jul 03, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I liked how your game required me to think on my feet and I think your level design did a good job of fleshing out your mechanic. Out of the five categories in the rating I think the feel needs the most work: the jumping animation to reveal the treasure felt too long and the lack of sound effects definitely took away from the feel. Despite the lack of polish, I think this is a good take on an excellent idea.

(2 edits)

Thank you so much for the effort you put in for this review. Really didn't expect someone to play my game for almost half an hour. Your commentary was spot on and I'm grateful for your suggestions and advice, I actually took notes when watching. 

I completely forgot to confine the  cursor to the screen despite knowing about that feature of Unity, since I always playtested in fullscreen on a single monitor. 

As for the parallax effect, the further background is actually a skybox, so that's why it's static. I've never actually done parallax before, so I wasn't sure how to go about it and decided to just make a skybox and then put a semi-transparent plane at some distance behind the action. I'm going to try your advice on how to make it look less like dust on the screen in a future version.

Now to answer your questions. The soundtrack consists of 4 tracks, which are picked at random, regardless of speed or time left. Whenever one of them finishes playing, another starts (though due to the difficulty, it's rare to  actually hear this happen, and since you did, you're now officially gud™ at this game :) ). The key of the no-energy sound matching the music is a complete coincidence.

As for enemies, several of them are pre-placed (that's why the game starts in the same way every time), then, every 20 seconds a bunch of enemies of both types is spawned at some distance outside of the circular border and they fly into the arena to get you. So, it isn't actually safer near the border. The spawning mechanism is a bit random and can be problematic: it consists of a number of spawn points around the arena, each of which has a small probability of spawning one of the two enemies every 20 seconds. So, it can be very unfair if too many enemies spawn near the player (in which case the player will be horribly murdered) or not enough (in which case the player will die from timeout).

Thank you once again for your video. I've uploaded a postjam build, which fixes the bugs with highscore and time being counted even while the game is paused. It also features difficulty selection (though it simply affects the max number of bullets and the time given), confines the cursor to the window and incorporates your suggestion to make the smaller enemies' hitboxes a bit bigger. Do check it out, if you'd like.

The player still looks like a hair dryer though. :D

*gasp* A video review?! I'm speechless... I'll watch it as soon as I get the chance.

Very impressive.

Aesthetics are great. The game manages to look amazing despite everything being composed of cubes, the music fits very well to create this really chill mood. I also think it was a good idea to place HUD elements on top of the player, instead of the edges of the screen.

The mechanic of dynamic damage/speed tradeoff is really interesting and I don't believe I've encountered it before and I like how your design accommodates different playstyles.

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to master either of the playstyles, since the controls felt awkward to me (I used a mouse) and I didn't get used to them even by the time I completed the game. Additionally, sometimes when an enemy exploded the game froze up for about a second, which was disorienting and made it hard to properly take advantage of the explosions (though it might well just be that my PC is too slow). Another gripe I have is that it was frustrating to get thrown back by an explosion into the previous stage and, after resetting, still appear there instead of being returned to the latest stage (though maybe it's my just punishment for being bad at the game).

It's nice that you thought of and actually managed to implement a proper intro and an outro for a jam game and I liked how both are delivered.

Overall, I must say your game is a highlight of this jam for me. Extremely well done, especially considering you essentially did it alone.

And it has a Linux build and is open source.


I really appreciate your feedback!

You're right, the controls definitely need work. Difficulty was kind of an accident and is, in part, a by-product of imprecise controls. Anyway, difficulty settings are close to the top of my list for improvements/fixes for a post-jam build, which I'll make when I have the time.

(1 edit)

I'd like to echo what SyllabusGames said. The game is pretty chill with that music and all, which, according to your description, is the mood you were going for. But I feel that the last level undermines it a little bit by demanding extremely precise input (mostly since going too high and touching the ceiling resets you back to the start). So after a couple dozen retries the intended mood was no longer there and the one-word description of this level in my head firmly changed from "challenging" to "frustrating". Eventually I ran out of patience and cheated my way to the ending. All in all, I think it took away from the experience somewhat.

On the technical side of things, occasionally my mouse drag didn't register when I clicked on the platforms, though it generally wasn't a problem and didn't prevent me from almost beating the game.

I loved the mechanics overall and the feel of using the momentum of moving platforms to launch the chick in space to reach its target. The idea is really nice and the game looks and feels very good, so well done to you. (Also nice pun in the title.)

Thanks for taking the time to play my game! I'll experiment with your suggestion.

Thanks for checking out my game and leaving feedback!

I like your idea with giving a warning when the time is about to run out - I'll implement something to that effect in a post-jam build. Maybe some kind of a sound clue or a countdown on top of the player ship will do the trick. It's definitely too hard to keep track of the time left in the heat of battle currently.

The crazy difficulty was not entirely intentional on my part: during the development I tested the mechanics with several pre-placed enemies and everything seemed okay. And then, as submission deadline approached, I placed some more enemies, added an automatic enemy spawner and ran out of time for playtesting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯