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A member registered Jun 17, 2023

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hey, just reaching out. but is this still being worked on? its fine if its not, kinda sucks because i thought it was great. but just wanted to know if i should keep looking for updates or not. 

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so maybe a bug, or just the end of the current content. 

after getting the libido capsule for ako, cant remember the name. the next hint is to "ask ako if she needs anything". when I attempt to ask her what she needs she replies with can i ask you something, as she usually does, but then when i say what is it, she just defaults to her "I dont need anything right now" dialogue. and after that i cant get her to say anything other than i dont need anything right now.  

absolutely fantastic game btw. 

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honestly, top tier quality. honestly one of the best, seriously. for people maybe looking through comments to see if its worth a look i can guarantee you it is. story and setting is good, characters and writing are great, no poor grammar or sentence structure here. music is fun, good comedy. animations are great. 

couldn't recommend it enough.

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yeah, gotta say. this is really good so far. quality work man. keep it up, loving every second of it.

this is immediately going into the check for updates constantly list. seriously, I can tell you put a lot of effort into this and it pays off greatly. up there with ripples/house in the rift and caribdis VN's. fantastic work. 

a shame its so hard to find. i'm not sure how itch's system works but it might be worth to update the game with tiny "updates" just to get it onto the top of the new and popular page to get some more eyes on it. might seem a bit disingenuous but i really think if more people could see it you would get a ton more support.

or don't. i dunno how this works, just hoping for the best for you and this project. 

alright awesome, thank you for replying. just bought it, fantastic work.

ok so i am thoroughly confused as to what i get for buying this game on this website.

firstly, it seems that if i buy the game here i get future updates as well, okay good. 

but then apparently for some people buying here on itch they only get access to the android version, except when i press the purchase button here it gives me all the options for downloading, including PC, mac, and linux.

so, is this not a problem anymore? and if i buy it here on itch i wont have any problems, or is it still a problem and itch is just really trying to annoy me? 

anyway sorry if this has been asked a million times, its just a bit strange. 

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sorry, should have responded earlier in case others had this problem. yes this worked, put it on a different drive a viola, god knows why that worked but it did. great game!

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I see someone already posted it but ill throw my hat into the ring as well, the public demo seems to have an issue. crashes on startup, 

NameError: name 'anna' is not defined. 

i know fuck all about code but its the same error message cobaltsage had. a few days earlier than my post. anyway game looks pretty good from what i can tell. good work man. 

So I downloaded the file for windows and linux( uncompressed version). and it simply wont even attempt to start on windows 10. dunno if theres something other than just extracting the .zip and i figure its just my computer being a freak and just not working properly. but i figured i'd ask anyway. 

oh and yes, i put the game on my exceptions list on my Antivirus, just in case that was the problem. has not helped.