I'm confused by the controls. It seems i can type in the 9 boxes but no way to drag them and no clear goal.
I think i have figured out the bottom left one, but i don't know what to do with it.
Edit: figured it out, cool puzzle
Really cool how you discover the moves while finding the path.
The sausage-like where you are the sausage.
That secret ending is probably my favorite puzzle from any confounding calendar game ever! So genius!
huh? three endings?
Cool parity-ish mechanics and not too complicated
I really don't see how totem 59 is possible.
(Rot 13)
Nf v haqrefgnaq vg gur "2" funcrq gbgrzf pbcl gur arnerfg abezny gbgrz, naq fvapr gur gevnatyr gbgrzf npg yvxr ebbxf sebz purff guvf zrnaf 6 ebbxf ba n 4k4 juvpu boivbhfyl qbrfag jbex.
Edit: I got it!
I just misunderstood how it worked.
This looks great!
Wish i knew the rules...
Super fun so far!
Vg frrzf gung n ybg bs gur ehyrf ner onfrq ba obneq tnzrf yvxr purff naq frg. Vf guvf gehr be jnf gurer nabgure vafcvengvba?
Rot 13
Vs bayl gung obggbz evtug fcver pbhyq zbir...
Is the series finally over???
I think that there are more things you could do with the multi-screen concept, but if you consider adding more mechanics I think they would be better suited for a normal sokoban
Really cool game!
I liked the 1st and 2nd puzzles best because they had traps that required you to think ahead.
The 3rd puzzle i found too easy but maybe that was because i was looking at the thumbnail at the same time showing the map
The last puzzle was a nice victory lap like Parachor said
I am stuck at 19/20
I dont see how to get higher than 10 but i think it is possible
This is probably my favorite of these games so far!
Finally 100%!!! (with some hints)
This is one of my favorite puzzle games ever up there with Baba is You and The Talos Priniple!
Looking forward to your next game.
I got it in 248 moves!
I was pretty stumped on that last one and accidentally got it but it made so much sense.
Amazing game!
How do i get to 4,4?
I know i need to use the level editor but i dont know how?
Really cool game however i dont see how to get the middle square!
I read this comment before playing the game then made my own spreadsheet were i denoted which pieces took which spaces and then beat the game.
Very Fun!
Great game!
Could the base game and every expansion be in one large pdf file?
how do you get the red key from the grumpy guy???
what is the difference between eash game mode?
Is this supposed to happen?
I got the star like this but dont know if it is cheese
so do i need to make the array by hand or make some system that automatically makes the array?
also how did you tackle undo and reset?
thanks alotalmost no one has made a guide to making a sokoban game in godot without it using real collisions instead of checking so this is very nice
i really love this gamei am also trying to make a sokoban like game in godot and would like to know how you did itthanks
sussy bakka for life