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A member registered Oct 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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Very neat concept, but there doesn't seem to be that much to do. Not much of a real goal or challenge.

When will this game be playable?

I can't say this exactly worked on me, not that I was expecting it to, but I didn't really take it seriously, and I'm not big on second person TF stuff. It definitely has a cute art style, though!

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This game is really fun. It seems like a lot, but it comes slow enough that it's easy to understand. Though I wish it was clearer how to increase your power gain per turn.

I've never had difficulty personally, but there are a few things you can do. You can buy Sea Tea from Gerson in waterfall to increase your speed, or use the pie to lower his defense and attack. The Heart Locket from new home is a good defense, but if you're getting hit multiple times by specific attacks, the Apron might be a better choice for a defensive item, as it increases your invincibility window. Make sure you use the new home knife.

for some reason, I've run into a bug where I can't get Bastet to bless my farm. I have the dialogue option to, and sufficient "energy," but there's no button to actually bless it.

Not quite sure I understand the blancing mechanics. Also, what am I supposed to do when I get the cube on the fourth course that covers half the screen? I can't see the beam, so I have no way of knowing where to go.

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Also, ingredients in order for reference

Row 1: Sour, Sweet, Spicy, Dry

Row 2: Greasy, Mandelbrot, Nothing, Tinting

Row 3: Crunchy, Gelatinous, 

Extra: Creamy, Drooly, Love, Salty, Warm, Love, Filament, Slimy

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This is obviously in very early stages of development, but it looks quite promising. Although, I think it could use some tutorials, and maybe some UI improvements (Like making text bigger / clearer, specifically on menus like the client menu.)

I'd love to check this out, especially with the farm theme, but I can't because it requires a password.

Same here.

Will this be updated with the split paths from the original?

This is really good. Please keep cooking!

How exactly do the non-windows models work?

I may be softlocked then, which isn't a big deal. Either way, that's useful to know. I'll just start a new save. Thank you so much for the help!

Thanks for the help! If the entrance to the Southern Plains is past the big bridge and yellow and blue crystals, it won't let me leave. I just get the "I shouldn't leave right now" dialogue (though only on the center. On the side it lets me go up to the edge of the screen, but there's an invisible wall.) I might just start over, which is fine, it's only 40 minutes. Though, admittedly, I don't know how to move saves between versions of RPG Maker games. I tried just booting up the new version but that doesn't seem to have any previous saves in it. 

I understand. I seem to be playing on 0.4.3 somehow, so that may be part of the issue, but I've just reached the city for the first time, when you unlock the Kitsune morph/turn back into a human for the first time. I checked my quest menu, and the only two I have are "Unknown Land" and "Friend of the Dragons." I suppose I could just start over in 0.5.1, though I'm a bit hesitant to start over.

I've just gotten to the shrine for the first time, and I loaded up a save after a while of not playing. Not quite sure what to do now. It won't let me leave town or enter most buildings, and Fii just says "welcome back..." So I don't really know what to do. I've checked the quest menu and still have no clue. I feel like more advanced directions and help would be great.

It's in the downloads. v0.35 cheat sheet. It's outdated thoug

Cheat sheet. Not cheats. It's a reference page.

I don't know if this is a me problem but my computer won't let me extract the file

Looks very good. Out of curiosity, how long is it?

Truth be told, I actually prefer the cheat sheet method. It’s a lot easier to see what endings can be reached by what character.

Very cute, but I can't seem to reach the end because the game crashes when you press backspace to restart in later levels

Also for some reason images aren't loading for me..

Hey, when will the cheat sheet be updated

What's new in v0.62

What's new in v0.53?

Sucks that I'm a Mac user. This looks cool.

For some reason I can't scroll in the main/center text window.

Nice! When's the next cheat sheet coming out?

Looks cute. Any plans for a Mac release?

I got it working on the browser version once... Now it won't work.

Great. Though Level 10 in the second mode may not be possible. I don't know if that's intentional or not. 

Really neat and well-done. I'd love to see other animals, TG, maybe blocking certain parts from transforming, or endings.

Is there a set time when 0.7 will drop?

Reportedly today

For some reason it just says it can't be opened on Mac

Weirdly doesn't work on my Mac

What AI did you use?