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A member registered Apr 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you guys a lot!

Very attractive physics game. Shadowing effect is very cool! I just fiddled with source code (sorry) and added more cross-platformability and some shortage. The mechanics and appearance remained exactly the same:

<canvas id=c><script>i=Math;X=[];Y=[];c=c.getContext`2d`;h=x=150;y=75;M=z=k=0;onclick=e=>{X.push(e.x-10);Y.push(e.y-10)};t=setInterval(e=>{with(c){fillStyle='#2221';fillRect(0,0,300,h);for(j=0;j<X.length;j++){d=X[j]-x+.1;z+=i.sign(d)*6e-3/d*d;d=Y[j]-y+.1;k+=i.sign(d)*6e-3/d*d;fillStyle='#cc0';fillRect(X[j],Y[j],3,3)}fillStyle='#fff';fillRect(x+=z,y+=k,5,5);v=i.sqrt(z*z+k*k)*10;M=v>M?v|0:M;fillText("MAX: "+M,5,19);if(x<0||x>300||y<0||y>h)clearInterval(t)}},16);</script>

TweetTweetJam 4 community · Created a new topic 566 ;(

I cannot compress more properly and I am only 6 chars from limit. If any1 wanna help:

<body onload="c=a.getContext`2d`;z=a.height=300;l=260;k=j=s=f=0;with(c){C=e=>{k=40+Math.random()*l;j=40+Math.random()*l};p=(e,q)=>{beginPath();arc(e,q,5,0,0.1,1);fill();};t=e=>{fillStyle=e};d=e=>{t`#00B`;fillRect(0,0,z,l);t`#0C0`;fillRect(0,l,z,40);t`red`;p(k,j);};}d();C();onclick=e=>{if(f)return 0;f++;v=7;y=l;x=0;with(Math){n=atan2(e.clientY-z,e.clientX);h=v*cos(n);I=setInterval(e=>{r=v*sin(n);x+=h;y+=r;d();t`#FFF`;p(x,y);if((x-k)*(x-k)+(y-j)*(y-j)<100){C();s++}r+=0.1;n=atan2(r,h);v=sqrt(r*r+h*h);if(x<0||x>z||y>z){clearInterval(I);f=0}},10);}};"><canvas id=a>

Thank you a lot , you are really boosting me up :) most of my help procedures were just to omit Math or c. Now it`s time for smething bigger :)

Very good skills! Also, didn`t know you could use 3-byte color, this is real game changer!

Can I use those libraries, that I have written myself? Maybe like -1 hour for each? 

I spent my time too carelessly and didn`t manage to impliment everything that I had in mind, so the game is pretty raw.

I mean, it shows, that the only game i haven`t rated is mine. So I guess I can,  but in reality I can`t rate it.

Do I have to rate my own game?

Oh, you can sell lil shards that enemies drop at the moon shop

fellow russian

Thank you. Yeah, I made it with my hands lol. I mean, plain JS (even html file contains nothing). I`ll try to add some instructions.