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A member registered Jun 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Windows 10

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Check to see if your anti-virus software is preventing the download.

Is the issue that you can't download, or you just can't install?

For me, I can't install the updates on my tablet unless I uninstall the previous version. The only downside is that I lose all of my save data...which is completely fine (not really) since I want to revisit the routes in the future. I may as well wait for The Echo Project to complete the VN within the next several years if my only recourse to updating TSR is to uninstall previous well as my progress...

Good luck to us both!

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I've been wanting to make a video for some time now, but I don't know how or where to start. It all looks so overwhelming, but the passion and drive are still there, lying dormant. My only experience is with Windows 7 Video Editor (which is dead), and the Windows 10 version is inferior. Can you recommend me an editing software? Is the one you use easy to pick up? And what is it called/where can we download it?


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What time period does the game takes place in? Haven't played yet, but the game looks incredibly fun, immersive, and engaging; however, the green shirt and brown trousers advertised on the main page leads me to believe that the main character befell to Isekai, as if they teleported from our modern world. Can anyone please confirm or deny my suspicion? Thanks.

I choose non-bad endings, I'm sure.

Minus Adastra.

Android: App will not install unless you uninstall 0.3 first.

Honestly cannot comment since I have yet to experience it.

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0...-1.-2.-3.-4.-5 ni deteled eb lliw tnemmoc sihT

Nearly a month after the update, and the main page is still censored. I suppose the newly dedicated place to post comments is here, for now at least.

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The Smoke Room > Echo > Arches

T.E.A., so yes you are correct.

Also, incorrect since all routes indicate multiverse; therefore, all routes are canon.

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I've made a post a millennia ago regarding my/our desire to experience more of Khemia over Interea.  Surprised to see a large majority agrees. Honestly bummed out about the hiatus but understandable whether there was writer's block, priority restructuring, whatever the case may be (not to mention settling drama with another dev...) as long as EchoProject remain transparent and communicate openly with us.

I too really want to see what natural settings Khemia has in store for us. Bewildered to learn that Egypt once had lush forests! 

I'll just leave this here:

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Adastra (Interea)>Khemia




Did not like how Chase just stood there dumbstruck (poor Leo...) when his shadowclone was jutsu'ed there.

Oh please not another TJ route. I can't stand that little holy shit.

I flip between two personality types (by one letter), but matches are~:

William, Yao, Dimitri, and Beckett~

Perfect, as I love my canids, tigers, bears, and scalies~

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Considering Echo has five routes: Leo (Jenna), TJ, Carl, and Flynn, mayhaps EchoProject can shoehorn one additional route in one of the already established routes? But whom I wonder~? Some of ya'll want Yao, others want Hendricks, I think Cynthia deserves a spot (a la a Jenna to Chase but for Sam). Regardless, I can't wait to see what's next!

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There is bad blood running in the Hendricks family tree. I, for one, albeit unpopular, don't want a route for James. I feel he has wayyy too much wealth, power, and influence to manipulate, blackmail, or even coerce Sam and the rest of the cast just to get his G.O.A.T. rocks on.

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It's a squee(z)quel. Not Adastra 2 (true sequel) but squeezes in-between the prequel and sequel.

It is now November.

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There are two worlds based upon your premise - the objective material world and the subjective human world. There is nothing inherently flawed or wrong regarding the world outside the human experience. Consider a rock, branch, and vine. Then comes the monkey who had the grand idea of making a tool with said rock, wood, and vine and going apeshit on a fellow simian because they acquired the mate they wanted. The tool and its natural components are not the issue. Who we are and what we do are consequence of our existence and choices. Remove the human element, the world would be peaceful. 

Check out: Khemia.


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Negativity, my issue?😆Sin, destruction, and disease of mankind are REAL! They are everyone's issue! Your soliloquy is cute though, I'll be honest with you.😆Which begs the question: why did the sibling races abandon mankind, I do wonder~? Whatever the case may be, I stand firm on my conviction. I also disagree on the notion that mankind expand into the cosmos because what we do here, we will do elsewhere and everywhere. Satellites having been lost and discarded in space are but the first of many ways in sullying the already perfect universe the Parents created for those being worthy of humanity (do not confuse with mankind). It is not a matter of being negative, it is a matter of being realistic.

Nothing is safe on the Internet especially on YT, so enjoy whatever comes your way and just laugh. And no, there is no sense of "irrational fear of homosexuals" by Flashgitz. They have done their homework on the furry community thoroughly, LMFAO! All their videos have high replay value HAHA!

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I would not agree to extraterrestrials migrating to Earth. Our planet is unreasonably overpopulated, mankind is sinful, destructive, and disease-ridden, not to mention that resources have been exploited exponentially ever since the inception of the Industrial Revolution. You can only dream, though.

Still wouldn't mind seeing Neferu shag Amicus again~

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It was never about my own happiness to begin with. It was about your daring disrespect, not for the visual novel itself which is fine to critique at, but towards the entire community. And may I remind you that you are on the Internet. Once you put yourself out there, you will never be left alone. In real life, you may be alone, but online, you will have company.

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Ah, now yous playing the victim, typical behavior. The aim is to just leave your nasty comments and refrain from posting anything new, but you trapped yourself inside a paradox whenever you get your own damn self triggered and tempted to talk smack 😆 You say "everyone should be allowed to have a[n] opinion," so allow the community the same level of respect when you get disliked - after all, downvotes are also opinions. You also say "I hate furries I simply show [my friend] the die hard fans of this vn and fbtw and how brain dead they're fucking brain dead[.]" 1.) I am a furry, 2.) I support Adastra (less support for FBtW, however), 3.) you call the community brain dead not once but twice, and 4.) you project your toxic insecurities onto ALL of us (as if proclaiming "hate" or "fucking" aren't any indication of your emotional expression). EVERYONE is part of the argument because YOU made it ought to be. Take accountability for your own problems. Clean up your own mess, we're not doing it for you, boy.

Honestly doubt Interea will ever be done because it is simply filler. Depending on how many days in-between Adastra and its ending will be additional time for devs to put Khemia on hold. Remembering the last arc from Naruto much unnecessary filler...

Any news on Khemia...? 

*fingers crossed*

By all means, be a hyprocrite. Keep coming back for moar even when you said you'll leave 😆 You say you don't care what we think of you, yet you constantly respond to our comments and criticism 😆 You are an entertaining contradiction, my boy. No one called you a pussy, no one called you a menace, and no one really hates you. Your "opinion" on the game is worth civil discussion; however, once you choose to take your anger out on people, then you have crossed the line. Take a second and think about where all your aggression truly comes from? Kudos for attempting to presume how I feel, but you're not even remotely close. I ain't mad. If anything, shitsacks like you help me challenge and improve my morals, values, and intelligence. You are the Joker (literally!) to my Batman.

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Nah, nah! Man up, boy! You don't get to piss and shit on people and run away without consequence. Leave your tainted mark here for everyone to smell, so we can learn on what not to be - an inconsiderate little but loud attention-whoring receptacle of antifurryturd. Also, you're still here despite telling us "I'm done with y'all dumb fucks see ya" just three days ago! 😆