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A member registered Nov 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hint:The dragon hits an entire vertical row each attack.

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Geez, you were not kidding about that boss in the patch notes. Took about an hour of tries to clear after I got something resembling a strategy down. Ended up winning with a mutual kill where the boss happended to die like, a frame before my last party member. Hahah

Congrats on the new update!

RMN is down!? I hope they can being it back. That site got mw through some times.

Me too haha

That's almost exactly what have, just mirrored. I must be getting bad enemy rng.

Curious if anyone's managed to get past stage 141.

Congrats on another update! And uh, thanks for the catchup function. I see to have been affected by the save loss as well.

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Those sprites are looking great! Shoutout to the happy little rock boi :)
Vivica, honey, don't have Lynette's back. She's not good people :(

Oh this looks super neat. Bookmarking this for after all the holiday craziness dies down.

That poison sword is beastly! Also, imp kinda cute.

New game from Jimmy dev?
Inspired by Lennus!?
Insect people!!?
Mantis Samurai!!!?
Okay, I'm in.

This sucks mightily, but taking care of your self is of course the priority. I hope life turns around for you soon. It gets better eventually.

Love the addition of the arrows so I can go everywhere else and not accidentally progress :D

Looks like it.

Yeah, 80 was a bear to get through. Those flowers are brutal.

Man, Cyan is CONFIDENT. Dude's displaying for dominance.

Heck yeah! Update! Time to continue the adventures of Tired Mom!

Did you clear browser cookies/cache? Your progress is saved via one of those.


"Some bosses drop a little more money, and various treasure chests with cash have been added, to make shopping a little easier."

And there was much rejoicing.

Good luck with the re-do! I'd second having the re-done version available on itch, for whaat its worth.

Only just discovered this. I'll be sure to post my thoughts on the translation here when I finish my playthrough.

Oh heck yes! I've been hoping for an english translation. Playing it while reading a translation in an internet window just isn't the same.

It was def a good move on your part. Steam has a mich bigger audience.

Ey! I don't use Steam, but congrats!

It is possible to overtweak something.

When's the dating sim update? :D

Oh dang! Congrats! This very quickly became one of my favorite games of all time, its nice to see it spread to a bigger audience.

Indie games:
Pros: Have actual soul and are fun.
Cons: Long dev times.

The School Scissors starter mystery has been bugged since the last major update. Pantsz has an...odd update schedule.

Props to the dev for seeing our comments and fixing the download issue. Even basic integrity is so rare in the industry today, its good to see this resolved, and so quickly

The girls not only have actual armor now, but you update the portraits and the little sprites in combat to reflect that. That's a real nice touch.

Congrats on the update! Looking forward to trying it later.

Gotta love the continued support.

Just read the new announcement, and not gonna lie, its disappointing. BUT, burn-out is awful. Take the breaks you need, keep the pace you need. I'll be here regardless when its ready.

That scorpion just wants to let the heroes know they're doing a great job killing it!

I wonder how much of a slow burn development this is gonna be.

Heck yeah! Thanks for the reply.

Is this still being developed?