that was awesome :D
Creator of
Recent community posts
here are some trig utils
(= pi 3.14159265359)
(= to_rad (fn (x) (* (/ x 180) pi ) ))
(= to_deg (fn (x) (* (/ x pi ) 180) ))
a 128 floats long sine lookup table
generated using
(= sin_len 128)
(= sin_lut (list
0.0000000000 0.0490676743 0.0980171403 0.1467304745
0.1950903220 0.2429801799 0.2902846773 0.3368898534
0.3826834324 0.4275550934 0.4713967368 0.5141027442
0.5555702330 0.5956993045 0.6343932842 0.6715589548
0.7071067812 0.7409511254 0.7730104534 0.8032075315
0.8314696123 0.8577286100 0.8819212643 0.9039892931
0.9238795325 0.9415440652 0.9569403357 0.9700312532
0.9807852804 0.9891765100 0.9951847267 0.9987954562
1.0000000000 0.9987954562 0.9951847267 0.9891765100
0.9807852804 0.9700312532 0.9569403357 0.9415440652
0.9238795325 0.9039892931 0.8819212643 0.8577286100
0.8314696123 0.8032075315 0.7730104534 0.7409511254
0.7071067812 0.6715589548 0.6343932842 0.5956993045
0.5555702330 0.5141027442 0.4713967368 0.4275550934
0.3826834324 0.3368898534 0.2902846773 0.2429801799
0.1950903220 0.1467304745 0.0980171403 0.0490676743
0.0000000000 -0.0490676743 -0.0980171403 -0.1467304745
-0.1950903220 -0.2429801799 -0.2902846773 -0.3368898534
-0.3826834324 -0.4275550934 -0.4713967368 -0.5141027442
-0.5555702330 -0.5956993045 -0.6343932842 -0.6715589548
-0.7071067812 -0.7409511254 -0.7730104534 -0.8032075315
-0.8314696123 -0.8577286100 -0.8819212643 -0.9039892931
-0.9238795325 -0.9415440652 -0.9569403357 -0.9700312532
-0.9807852804 -0.9891765100 -0.9951847267 -0.9987954562
-1.0000000000 -0.9987954562 -0.9951847267 -0.9891765100
-0.9807852804 -0.9700312532 -0.9569403357 -0.9415440652
-0.9238795325 -0.9039892931 -0.8819212643 -0.8577286100
-0.8314696123 -0.8032075315 -0.7730104534 -0.7409511254
-0.7071067812 -0.6715589548 -0.6343932842 -0.5956993045
-0.5555702330 -0.5141027442 -0.4713967368 -0.4275550934
-0.3826834324 -0.3368898534 -0.2902846773 -0.2429801799
-0.1950903220 -0.1467304745 -0.0980171403 -0.0490676743
high level abstractions over the LUT
(= sin (fn (x)
(= x (floor (* (/ x pi) sin_len)))
(= x (% (+ x sin_len) sin_len))
(nth sin_lut x)
(= cos (fn (x) (sin (+ x (/ pi 4))) ))
and nth
functions necessary to use these!
either supply your own implementations (nth
must be 0-indexed) or use these:
(= floor (fn (x) (- x (% x 1)) ))
(= nth (fn (l i)
(let res nil)
(while (<= 0 i)
(= res (car l))
(= l (cdr l))
(= i (- i 1))
a (somewhat convoluted) demo program:
(= init (fn () (= time 0) ))
(= keydown (fn (k) (if (is k "escape") (quit)) ))
(= trigfn (fn (f i) (* (+ 0.5 (* 0.5 (f (* (/ i width) pi)))) height) ))
(= offset (fn (x time) (% (+ x time) width) ))
(= step (fn ()
(fill 0 0 width height " ")
(let x 0)
(while (< x width)
(color 0x02) (put x (trigfn sin (offset x time)) "#")
(color 0x06) (put x (trigfn cos (offset x (* time 1.5))) "#")
(color 0x05) (put x (trigfn sin (offset x (- 0 time))) "#")
(= x (+ x 1))
(= time (+ time 1))
hey it's me
it looks really cool but I can't even play it properly since the dogs kind of enter into a floating state, where it looks like they're jumping but they're not jumping at all, and they can't jump when in that state... it happens when I push anything at all...
still, I appreciate the gesture, thanks for making this for me :)
> I don't know if the console allows for more than 2 action buttons
nope, only O and X
> maybe a combination could have worked as well
Olbap suggested that I could make it so that you hold O to play simulation and press it to open inventory I didn't like it at the time but now it seems that people find that better than scrolling down so...