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A member registered Mar 15, 2021

Recent community posts

Achievements are there but mummies etc aren't in there yet

In level 5 look for the sign that says free good, there's a suspicious ledge poking out to the right

stupid question, where is the save file

perfect thanks I'll look into i

Hasn't appeared any map for me after completing 17

FYI Lags when I went to Download there was a flag of the download page being suspicious. 

Just saw this, glad to see you're back. Like many of the changes, Look forward to more. Welcome back

People chill, he's working. Its awesome enough we get percentage updates. Chill. Lags is working give him space

Ha ha. Gotcha will change the bindings

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Is anyone else losing 10 health every time they swing their pickaxe?

You probably downloaded the wrong Android version

That's ok, take your time. You've got this


It's happened to everyone. Needs to be reimplemented.

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Yah I am having the same issue as well

I've run into this, just go into your library on itch here and it will let you download the new versions from ther

this 100%, yes

old verision of the game

It's understandable. You're ready to wrap up this project. Thank you for at least endeavouring to finish it. Too many games of this type never get there

Fuck yes!

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He has said within a week

no one important. just a model for that goblin to fuck

It's going to be months

like any character we are corrupting, eventually. Maybe not now, but it's coming

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Yes there is a button its the 'cum" button in animations

Same art style, different game

Yes they are, just need to finish a current update on another game first. Its one person I am pretty sure

If you look at the downloadable versions one is marked old which is 2.2. The current version is 5.4.2 for android and it should be labeled rebuild. Because the old version was having a tough time on android devices he did a rebuild

Captivity is right here on itch easy to get

You're playing the wrong version. You want the rebuild version


will there be an itch release of 0.4

shouldn't be that hard typically

I wonder how many times you're going to have to say this before people understand

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For the 1000th time he said when he finishes his curent update on his new game he will be back on this one and it will take about 3-4 months after that for the new update on this one

Once he is finished his current update on the new one, he will be back on this one

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try the patreon version, there is a lot more than in the demo. 2 more characters on the team, list animations, and enemies. And yes it is still in development, haven't had an update on the patreon since August but I'm sure something is coming soon

Likely one of the endings

The barkeep was a stroke of genius for this game

To make it a safe guess, based on my experience with this game, expect at least April.