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A member registered Jul 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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an improvement

(1 edit)

Hi Campotech! This game does not actually fit many of the required restrictions (4 colours from the palette on the jam page on screen at any one time, and keyboard restrictions) You still have time to fix these issues, as the jam is not over, I just thought i would let you know, thanks!

There's no limitations on audio, you can do whatever you like with sound

You can make whatever game you like, but they of course have to still only contain 4 colours at a time, the specified resolution and the colour palate that is provided on the jam page  

On Retrod PartyBETA:

PartyBETA is, as the name suggests, a beta version of Party. So the extra games and features WILL have bugs. That's just how it goes. BUT you do get to try out new games and features, such as Murder Mystery.

Please Report bugs on PartyBETA games in the comments of this topic, thanks :)

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As seen on our facebook page, There is an update to Retrods S and Party.


There's a new startup sound!

Introduced Retmoji! This is Retrod's version of emoji. No, it's not based on Unicode, so don't expect to start messaging your friends on Android or Apple - just yet.

Today marks the end of an (if short lived) era. The original Retrod series is no longer getting any updates. Though Retrod itself will still exist! We have the Retrod S set of OEs, which will continue to get updates and will stay supported. Upgrade Today!

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Day 6 - 4th September

Updated the startup screen, animations, and sounds to match the current Retrod S (from which Retrod GB is based on)

Removed the "Based on the Retrod 2.0 Operating Environment" text

Day 5 - Apparently - 3rd September

Haven't made any progress (aside from the game's first release)

This game is really enjoyable! But, if you can, maybe make the movement a little smoother, otherwise, I loved it!

Day 3 - 31st August

Made no progress today, as I had school. First release tomorrow though!

Day 2 - August 30

Added sounds

Added a game, Kill It!

Day 1 - 29th August


Startup and Controls

Main Menu

GBJAM 8 community » Progress · Created a new topic Retrod GB

This is the mini-devlog for my Retrod GB Operating Environment.

Updates in the comments

There's another Alien Busters port, in Retrod 2.0, this one has a unique feature😄

Are we allowed to increase the amount of pixels if the extra pixels are only to depict a Gameboy and the actual game is only 160px × 144px?

Update to Retrod 2.0

Added a Taskbar, where you can swap games without pressing control.

Fixed the bug where the Alien Commander in Alien Busters died as soon as they collided with a projectile

Removed Battle Mode in Alien Busters as it was causing issues with the boss fight

Added a tutorial when you press Backspace

Enjoy Retrod!

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A new update has come to the Retrod 2.0 Platform!

The new update includes:

The startup sound that plays when you start 2.0 up is now louder, as it was too quiet in previous updates of the OS.

The taskbar is now on the main screen, meaning you barely ever have to use the main screen!

A whole new game! Those that downloaded the original Retrod version should know this one well, as it was a Retrod original game that has been ported over to 2.0! Kill It! Kill the infinite hordes of enemies whose sprites are in the same style as the original!

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Update to Retrod 2.0

Added a Taskbar, where you can swap games without pressing control.

Fixed the bug where the Alien Commander in Alien Busters died as soon as they collided with a projectile

Removed Battle Mode in Alien Busters as it was causing issues with the boss fight

Added a tutorial when you press Backspace

Enjoy Retrod!

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Update to Retrod: Added the game "Blob"

I tried Godot, I've got it installed on my computer, but, I've run into another issue: Godot requires VS Build 2019, and, as the current windows 10 is too buggy, I'm stuck on a 2017 version, meaning my computer can't handle even Godot.

my computer is an absolute potato. I know (basic) C#, but my computer can't run it.

Sadly, Gamemaker 8 Pro (Released 26 June, 2009, no further updates since) is my only option...