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A member registered May 04, 2020

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I definitely see an overall improvement in your skills with your newest game. Ranging from the slick smooth animation and art, though pixelated, doesn't remove the clear cut details that are shown with each singular pixel on the screen. The music fits well with the combat as it builds up and dies down between each checkpoint.

Lastly is the game play which has a much more unique and most importantly, strategic element to it which forces the player to carefully utilize the orbs to their advantage or be killed by them.  The enemies as well are a very nice touch getting steadily more difficult each time while having their own unique characteristics and challenges which though can be easily handled individually are irksome in number. 

If there was anything missing I would say is some background art to add some atmosphere to the game. Perhaps a boss battle as well (assuming you had the time) and maybe a little animation when the frog guy attacks instead of him standing in place.

But like I said above, a really great improvement on last time and hope to see more of your talent in the future :)

Definitely a huge improvement from your last game. Though the graphics are quite simple and the background is bleak it makes up for the fast paced game play of trying to defeat a relentless onslaught of square demons with a rather creative array of weapons. The fact that they spawn randomly at a time seems without acquiring a pickup item seems rather unique as well especially with the fact that whatever weapon you get comes immediately giving you little time to handle yourself against the demons.

Out of all the weapons I'd say my favorite is the bomber since it leaves you a path to travel past any other demons and my least favorite is the four armed demon since my cursor is always on the outskirts of the map XD

But overall great effort! I hope to see an update or a DLC for this sometime soon.

Alot harder than I expected it to be but pretty solid gameplay over all. The music helps give the errie feeling of a pandemic yet at the same time gives off an energetic beat to remind you it's just a game. 

The graphics are simply and colorful enough to portray what's needed and the animations that follow also give off the game's relaxing tone. 

Over all it's pretty good and would recommend :)

(1 edit)

Alot harder than I expected it to be but pretty solid gameplay over all. The music helps give the errie feeling of a pandemic yet at the same time gives off an energetic beat to remind you it's just a game. 

The graphics are simply and colorful enough to portray what's needed and the animations that follow also give off the game's relaxing tone. 

Over all it's pretty good and would recommend :)