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A member registered Sep 26, 2022

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Loved this game, waiting for the next release and pls more content for Daisy and add content for the president pls

This is an awesome game!

looking forward to the next update.

I see.

Thank you for your help random stranger.

I'd be happily waiting then until that day~


it's me it's been a while since I played the game since I had too many things to do these past few days and I wanna play it but...

Are all the characters show there by there I mean in this 

Like this page...

Lol idk how to describe it

It's just that there's more characters than before and I wanna know if they're there already or not since last I played I was stuck in a boss fight and I couldn't beat her(the minotaur) and I kinda raged quit but I'm back now ready to play again lol.

Damn I'm kinda jealous about those who can construct that kind of long paragraphs just to praise your work T_T

As a kind of long term fan I felt like I needed to support you somehow but I'm kinda broke so I guess the only way I can support you is by playing it

Seeing it has a new update and new characters I'm getting excited! (In both ways)

Keep up the good work and stay healthy ❤ 

Ps. I'll be waiting for cheats lol

Good thing Gnu the best girl is still here😌

Yo....I came back to download this game after a tiring day and seeing its chaos down here too

I dunno what just happened though I did alot of back reading and I saw the lore pic too but I somehow don't understand what happened...

But seeing lip and mofu fought means is this game still going on or is it stopping completely?It's kinda sad if it's the latter

Also still here waiting for cheats🥲


so there's still hope..Neet.

Damn and I thought I was kinda sneaky with that one too

This looks good..will there be an android version soon?

The game is great,the plot is unique ,the difficulty is not that hard that it's too hard to play and not that easy that I lose interest in it so easily.

Also I noticed that if you run out of air while underwater you die instantly

Can you make it so that you'll just lose health overtime? It also can help if you're planning to add some bosses underwater

Also the controls are a little bit hard to get used to but it's not impossible.

Also is there a point for the character to duck?It's just sometimes when I'm fighting the boss I accidentally press the down button on the joystick and can lead to losing the fight.

I know its still a beta but maybe like add an extra button for ducking ?

The art is good too overall everything is great if the full game ever comes out ill probably won't regret buying it.

Stay healthy and pls add cheats!

Looks like you guys are working hard      

Keep up the good work and stay healthy!

Also pls add cheats thanks!

wait what.


They added cheats(I somehow sound like a kid who just got a new toy)

How delightful 

Too bad it's NNN I'll be back in December Ig

Sell items..?

what items..?

Just a suggestion 

looks like the only one with the losing scene was the little fox girl 

Maybe add some to the others too?

Also the swimming controls are kinda hard to use since you can only go up when pressing x(playing in the android version)

Also looking forward to more scenes with Cynthia!(best girl)

So I just finished the game and...

is there any other ways besides fighting the bosses to get the spores thingy that you use as currency in the game..?

Oh thanks alot!I didn't saw that earlier

So maybe I thought I was special

(1 edit)

I found a somewhat bug 

when I defeated the cat girl I went to defeat the other mushroom boss

And then I went to defeat Gnu(best girl)

And then after that I was transported to the a route that led to the same mushroom boss that I had to beat all over...

I was just sharing it and still looking for the cheats...

Um so..

Looks like it got a new update

Maybe I can't read or just dumb but I can't seem to find what was added

So maybe someone...? there some sort of cheat for the game...?

like infinite money or something..