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A member registered Sep 05, 2016 · View creator page →

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Sorry about that, test server crashes from time to time. It should be up now though.

I assume that you are stuck on the connecting to server screen. That usually has to do with networking issues, I am afraid I can't do anything about that as of right now. I will look into the problem and try to fix it with the next update ! 

Awesome video, was fun to watch man !

I just restarted the Server, should be up now. The Server tends to crash every 5-6 days for some reason; still investigating why exactly. Thank you for trying out the game, still a long way to go, but we'll get there !

Thank you very much, I appreciate the kind words ! I am currently working on fixing some code, it's a boring and long process, but ultimately I think it will help the project. Adding more gameplay and stuff to do is my number one priority after I'm done with refactoring. Thank you for trying out the game and giving me some feedback, means a lot !

thank you man, appreciate that. Currently busy fixing a bunch of stuff, once I'm done with that I will make sure to hit you up.

Thank you Twinsy, really appreciate that !

Much Love my friend

Just me and first time trying to make a multiplayer game of this scale

Thank you, very much appreciate that !

There really isn't a lot of people playing the game currently so that one Server has worked out fairly fine so far. Server Stability is also really bad, so I am already struggling to keep that one Server up lol

The Server crashes sometimes, I will restart it right now.

It's Online, there is a Test Server that you can play on.

Just tested it, Login should work just fine. When the lines below the Username and Password field go red, that means that the Username you entered is not valid. Make sure you use the correct Username !

Thank you Tester, appreciate the Love ! I see where you are coming from, however I would rather work on the Server Stability and prevent Servers from going down in the first place than investing time into making a Singleplayer Mode. In the End this is supposed to be a MMO, so that would be a step in the wrong direction.

Thank you for the Input !

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I currently have no plans of putting DeadEye on Steam. The Game is way too unstable and is lacking content, maybe in the future !

Hey Voveriukas11,

currently there are no plans of publishing the game for any other platform than windows.

Glad you are liking the Menu lol. There is one public Server that I am hosting, I goes down quite often though. Things should be running more stable soon !

Thank you for the feedback !

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Hey ThePixlGamer,

I just restarted the Server, so you should be able to play. Unfortunately the Server still keeps crashing quite often, currently working on fixing these problems.

Thanks for the feedback, and thank you for trying the game !

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Thank you for the feedback, that's what I love to hear !

good point ! I create a Server and added the link at the bottom of the page.

That seems to be a Server problem. I will try to fix it asap.

Thank you for the feedback !

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Hey Hellosayer,

Server Code is really unstable right now so the Server keeps crashing. I am currently working on the latest update, should be done with v0.1.5 by tomorrow (20th). Check back when v0.1.5 is live and things should work correctly.

Thank you for the feedback !

with private Servers you mean letting people host their own servers ?

Project is not abandoned, Server just goes down very often. Stability on the Server side is something I have to work on.

The Server is extremely unstable right now, so it crashes all the time. I will look into fixing that with future updates, for now all I can do is restart the Server.

Thank you Tester, I appreciate that a lot man !

Thank you shaguz, appreciate you taking the time to leave a nice comment, Much Love !

ok I got you guys, it's a plugin that I am using, it's probably pre-compiled for x64 not x86. So I will get into that today and upload a fixed 32 Bit Client, that should do it.

Thank you guys for the feedback and Klivertts, appreciate you taking the time and making those screenshots !

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Thank you Klivertts !

Map is not implemented yet so that's fine, Inventory looks fine too, however Crafting is definitely broken. There should be a list of Items to craft on the left side. Can you tell me what Version you are running ? I'm pretty sure this is a problem caused by the 32 Bit Version. This Problem never came up before.

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Thank you for the kind words my friend !

Usually you should get one Wood per second from Gathering (E) and 5 Wood per Hit with the Hatchet. So It should be quicker to gather with a tool, but I will have took into that. Gathering Wolf meat is kinda hard right now, it's semi broken lol. You can get Meat if you hit the dead Wolf with the Hatchet, however only if you hit it in the back/Spine, The Colliders are broken. Hunger and Thirst definitely need balancing, the current rates are really just for testing.

You should be able to aim your gun and fire already, a crosshair will not be in the game, Controller Support maybe in the future.

Crafting a hatchet doesn't cost anything right now, so you should be able to craft it. Btw you can gather wood by holding E while looking at a tree.

shaguz can you send me a screenshot of your Crafting Menu, if it's empty then that would be some werd bug that I am unaware of

I always stream on twitch while working on the game. That would probably be the best way to get a hold of me.

Thank you for the kind words, appreciate it. There is a crafting Menu (Tab and then use the Mouse Wheel to get to the Crafting page). You can also Build Houses, when you press B, you enter Building Mode. Have a look at the Controls Section for more Information

Hey Malon, du solltest dir eig. eine Axt Craften können(Tab für Inventory und dann mit Maus Rad zu Crafting). Ansonsten wird in den nächsten Wochen mehr Inhalt kommen, bis jetzt musste ich mich vorallem erstmal viel mit Netzwerkprogrammierung auseinandersetzen. Danke dir fürs positive Feedback

You have to craft one lol. Again please look at the how to play Sectio

Look at the How to Play Section, Controls are listed there. Hit trees with a hatchet to get wood, that's the only resource the is right now.

should be live now !