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A member registered Oct 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Pros: interesting idea, not really cursed.

cons: nothing to do other than go a bit to the right and press s and scroll through tiktok. and speed is too much

Pros: no game
cons:no game

Pros: everything is here, its good fun and everything, nice music, nice design, and the eerie affect adds to this.

cons:Not many cons, just wish I could get a hang of it, its just skill issue for me.

pros: interesting concept, looks good. very well done.

cons:no sound, didn't find the tutorial.

pros: good idea, love the sprites, wouldve been cool to see it done.

cons:literally cant play, sad about that.

Pros: Looks good, eerie vibe.
cons: flashlight too bright, the camera needs a sensitivity slider. also very static, as in its all the same.

pros: fun, endless, increasing difficulty.

cons:you cant shoot over the table, sometimes its buggy. also the background doesn't look that good.

Pros: awesome, really weird but everything makes sense,
cons: uhh at the end I just walk into the abyss. and shift to walk slower?

Pros: good concept, like the music and the art, harder than dark souls 3.


Pros: good concept, like the music and the art, harder than dark souls 3.


nice music, its simple tho, and not the best when it comes to the jumps.

no game

Pros: its not bad, and kinda fun. and nice music

Cons: not really many cons, just the background could've changed a bit and the enemier should have more variety. 

Pros: it works. sometimes, the music is fun
cons: if you die once you have to restart everything, um overall simple but okay.

Pros = good game, good music and fun.
cons = the car could've been bigger, or the race track might've had variation but for the time and the difficulties its good.

okay actually not bad, I liked it quite a bit, it was different from all the other games because this had a fun aspect to it of randomness, but without any NEW stuff it became very repetative.

it took me 4 tries to actually get the balloon up, after that I thought it would be cool....but other then going in axis and moving up and down this game is nothing but...just that, Umm maybe there could've been something with landing on each roof to "give" something or receive maybe? but overall pretty well made.

not bad, but im not much for DYING WHEN IM TRYING TO READ. pretty cool concept I like it a lot :D

Pretty simple game, i would use the jumping bug to just get to the top in an instant, and its just all underwhelming. 

Pros: cute cats, well made and nice soundtrack.

cons: It isn't boring, but it gets repetitive eventually. and also moving boxes SUCKS ASS

pros: game looks nice, the ambience is nice.

Cons: its just a walking simulator with no real purpose.

pros:there is music.

cons: walking mechanic is wonky when next to a ledge, ( and the jumping), win condition is not what I expected, the box colliders for the platforms are missing.

pros: awesome idea, sound desing is good, art is very good, funny options you can choose (like stabbing yourself without knowing wtf happened lmao)

cons: no ending.

Pros: everything is very well made, sound design is nice....reminds me of something, just overall very good.

cons: pretty easy to just negate the monsters, objective not clear enough.

Pros: good concept, well made,good sound.

cons: No explanation for the control....literally just what to do, sensitivity slider would be nice,enemy is literally too slow. 

(1 edit)

Pros: Gnome, sound, lose condition, win condition, solid animation. LITERALLY.

cons, the jump mechanic is a tad bit wonky.

Pros: there is a win condition, nice animation?

cons: EVERYTHING ELSE IS MISSING, no enemies, no cap on jumping. 

Pros: shooting is fun, clean visuals.

cons: reload speed never specified, takes too long, love the bug of literally going out of bounds.

Pros: It has nice movement and a great dash.

cons: less than 2 levels. and the zombies are a glorified spike.

Pros: good gameplay, good story.

cons: Lack of music, no timer or really no feeling to rush to escape.

Pros: It has nice movement and a great dash.

cons: less than 2 levels. and the zombies are a glorified spike.