ik but honestly it’s so annoying bc the one round you get imposter every one leaves because they didn’t and then the round is over
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I think you should do it like this game on Roblox called Night of the Werewolf. Basically, you are assigned a role at the begging of the match.
Physco- 1, goal- be killed on trial, they want it to seem like they are the imp.
Doctor- 1, goal- survive, they can save one person each match (unless that person leaves or there is a dead body reported, then they can choose someone else) during this time, said person cannot be killed
Werewolf- Typically two though the system could stay the same as it is in AU1, goal- kill everybody
Murderer- 1, same as werewolf
Innocent- crewmates in AU1
Detective- 1, goal- find the imp. They can investigate one person between each emergency meeting/dead body reported
Medium-1, goal- survive. Basically, they can talk to ghosts but cannot vote, they can only tell others what they know (although it may make them look sus)
You could also make a console version