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A member registered Aug 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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As you have already seen, has errors with showing the results of the games. The 3 games with the most votes have been

3rd:      FrostTime (27/30)

2nd:      Surfers Sled (28/30)

1st:        Killing Eve (29/30)

If you want to see the whole stream where I test and rate the games you can see the live stream here:

You can see the summary of the whole jam in this video: 

yes, has an error and won't let me display the results. I made a stream playing and rating the games. I will upload a video summary of the jam on my channel shortly.

If you want to see the exact score of the games, you can see how I rated in that same stream.

Share your twitch account in this post. During the jam, I will visit different streams in live :)

This is mine channel:

I dont have VR, but you can try to make a VR game with Windows classic support if you want :)

habla en el idioma que quieras :)

none :)


I love that you have been able to play the game, thank you very much for the ideas, in a while I will make updates and maybe upload it to google play

I love that you have been able to play the game, thank you very much for the ideas, in a while I will make updates and maybe upload it to google play

I'm so sorry, I do not know what happen :(

I do not know what happens, try to download it on android

try to put more options and then execute anyway, thanks at least for trying to try, have you tried it on your phone?

Do it!

I know, but being my first game and exporting it to html I did not know what would happen, I am aware, things are happening and next time I will be more careful, Thanks for playing!

You're right, I realized when I uploaded it, as I said I had never finished a game and I did not really know that in html that happened when I moved the mouse wheel, I do not know what happened to the sound, but they are things that happen ... Thanks for playing!