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A member registered Oct 09, 2022

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the voice acting is okay, pay more attention to commas and periods. also have the narrator put more umph into it. he's monotone throughout. so are the girls. I want to hear real emotion behind it. these bots were designed for this so they shouldn't be {Yes Master, At Your BZZZT Command} they should be "Yes Master! right away!" idk I take acting very seriously.

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alright nevermind, I found out she's just at the club. but! how do I progress the photo lessons? i'm at the "take a picture of someone with no experience." part and have no idea what to do, I did Kate and Sam already so whats going on?

I wanted to do the sharing route but I must've missed the event because she's never appeared again.

i'm pretty sure we still can theres just save slots to do different paths

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forget my first question, how do I increase endurance? do I just go to the gym a bunch?

is there a way to repeat the bath event with casey? the one on friday i mean