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A member registered Oct 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Which choices I need to make to the scene play? I already tried two times but every one Resque refuses to do it :(


thank you

thanks, I will try my best

hehe obrigado!

Thanks! But we just getting more and more deep on the characters

Thanks :) and This will be a linear story with alternative endings

thanks! :3

this is torture

I cant drive :(

Yes it is. If you follow my patreon you would receive some updates like new CGs sprites  BGs and music. Im curreclty translating the game to english. Thanks for the question ^w^

I said on my files X3, an expression. I updated the build you should able to play it without problems now (I hope)

No problem

But it got fixed with this update?

Thank you! DOn't worry, Im working on the vn Im just slow

Oh... English please X3

Hmmmm I might know what is happening, lemme see here

It dont work? It should work, it was only to you that it isnt working?

Thanks :D

In a few moments :D

Im sorry but happened a little bug that i had to delete the public version for android. Dont worry I will put it back when patreon release got public

You can pay 1 dolar or wait 2 weeks for it

Fair X3

You already played it? :0

Me too! I can't wait to see your guys reactions! Again, all is left is just 1 background :)

so far not too much besides a Nicolai naked sprite


Thank you for your patience
Yeah mentally I still weak but Im getting over it with the help of my friends and a profissional, and of course you guys that reads my vn. It makes me really happy I could make some sucess even if small

I'm glad for your patience

Thank you for the patience. orz

Oof that's some hard feedback to read. This is my first time writing and sharing a story so I guess some rough edges are to be expected. The next update will include more insight into Nicolai's past and his motivations which hopefully elevate him above "edgelord" status. There is also a refinment of the earlier scenes such as between Nolan and Souldro in the hallway to better portray Nolan's inner turmoil.

Thanks for the review, it's a shame the story didn't resonate with you.

Sorry if is taking so long to post the new update, Im working on it but real life stuff is making it complicated


Where I can find Cloudberry?

Omg he is soooooo big~ I will give a try

Tem algum guia dos eventos que podem acontecer? Ou um manual em geral pra quem não saber mais o que fazer pra proceguir

That is intencional yes! Rolling Girl is my fav song of wowaka, and that song basicly define nolans (and mine) life as a whole

Such big text

But thanks!

We didnt understand it very well, but thanks for the comments anyway!