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The GamerMan

A member registered Jun 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Can't install on android when downloading it states that i download 1.70 gbs but only install 1.59 gbs and won't install

where can I go download the final build of Konran:Zanki at? I do not do see where to download it on the website.

hey on I am stuck on Kleio 50% LP , and she still has not called me back yet and I been waiting for months, is my gamed bugged or what.

Nvm I got it now

Hey Andre, I see that there is a update for the game and I have the last version, so do I have to buy the newest version to update my game or something else

No I have not. I save the game and then I stopped playing for a few days

Hey, creator, I can not load my save file: everytime I go hit enter, space bar or try to click on the load button I get a denying noise and the game will not load my save file

thanks!! also how much gameplay is in the game overall? Are we going to explicit romance or will it be a black screen like most ( i am good either way).  How many endings are there in game?

will the game be directly released on the 14th or sometime later

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Hello there creator and others, my name is The GamerMan, and I am going to make video on game's demo (very small youtube channel), and I would like for some of you guys to check it out if you do not mind doing  so. 

Channel link:

The video will come out tomorrow, and I hope that the video might bring some, who view this game's page into the game, and I hope the video gives the creator some feedback, which I will go over in the end of the video.


P.S., the game looks go right now

Hello creator and others, I would like to introduce myself as THE GamerMan ( very small channel currently), and I made a video, which will turn into a mini video series, on this game, and if you guys do not mind to come check it out.

video link:

if that does not work then here's the channel link:

I hope this game comes to its full potential in the near future ,and I hope that this video I made will decide for future downloaders to play this game!! 

thanks you all!!! ;)



Hey I am did a video on the game also if you want to watch mines too it will be released at 12:00 am on the 7th here's the channel link: , and likewise, I watch yours. 


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Here's the channel link :

and the video will be up soon ( 1- 2 days) , and to preface I am not the best but I am learning as I go

Thank you 

Also if you dont mind a shameless plug??? I am going to create a youtube video on your game for my channel. I do not any subscribers, but I thought maybe if for some reason that video blows up at least you will have some traffic. Likewise, I am asking because I know some people do not like channel plugs, so I am asking you before hand to do so.

P.S. If not I will not post the channel link and I completed the game once, so I have a good understand on the game.


1. Thank you for reply!

2. If you dont mind me asking, for the romance system if it is going to be similar to Fe3 Houses then are going to make eventually make it where characters get bond levels by battle with together, have different bond levels, get stats increase by bond levels, and etc.

3. If you dont mind me asking how did you create everything from the sprites, movement, leveling system, and more? I am asking because before I found this game I wanted to create a game based on magic school and stuff, and as a result, the game would have been similar to this, but eventually I want to create something of my own, just want to know what did you use to start creating your game, if you dont mind. Also to preface, I am not trying to copy your game or anything.


First off, amazing demo to play!! Second, is there plans to show progress of the bond system besides Past telling you can further bond with that person. Third, will romancing a character be an option? If not, I am fine without, but it would be fun to have though. Last of all, have you consider adding a way that the other characters that are not in the party, get exp too? I am asking because in the future I can infer that character not in party could easily left behind.


Thank you if want to subscribe here is my youtube channel link:

Hello, everyone, how would you guys feel about me, if I created a let's play on this game, to basically give it a small promote? I have a youtube channel but it  has Zero subscribers, and I want start making video on visual novel games since I heavily love them, so I thought, with the fans blessings and creator's, I could post a link to my youtube channel to watch me play the demo. Hopefully, I am not asking too much, I want some of the hardcore fans to watch either for enjoyment, guide, or whatever you want. I thought if I am going to invade like this at least get some support on it before I post anything.

Thank you 

How many of you guys would like to see a let's play on this game? I would like to promote the game through my YouTube channel; however, I have 0 subscribers, but I really like the few glances the game has shown, and I want to share my reaction with others, if you guys do not mind. Likewise, I do understand if you guys do not want me too, since yall might see it as self-promotion instead. That's why I am asking the commenters first and hopefully this message will get seen by the creator too.

P.S. I am not going to post link to my youtube channel if guys do not like this or if the creator does not like this 

Thank you for your time