Awesome... this is a really fun game... would love Tenebra 2! :D
The Games of C64
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Excellent puzzle/action game! More like this please!!! Here is a game play video... my final score was 109,700! Does anyone know what the maximum possible score for this game is? I think I might be close! :) Please subscribe to my channel if you are able! Thank you Vector5Games for the great fun provided with this game during my holiday!
This is quite possibly the BEST arcade port in the history of Commodore 64 ports. I absolutely love this game, and cannot wait to see what else LC Games has in store for all of us #RetroGaming fans in 2022! Check out my game play video and subscribe to my YouTube channel if you are so inclined! Final score 333,520 on NORMAL settings.
Thank you!What an incredible effort with this insanely good port, Galaxian -DX-! Galaxian has always been a super difficult game... the original arcade version sucked quarters out of this guy back in the day as fast as I could pump them into the coin slot... lol! This version includes a "SPEED RUN" mode that is super fun! It allows you to compete against yourself in a mini-game style that doesn't require a lot of commitment of time. My record so far is 37.64 seconds which included a 98% hit rate! Great work ARLASOFT!