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The Helder Scrolls

A member registered Mar 22, 2023

Recent community posts

Guys, I'll be no longer monitoring replies to this post. Best of luck to you all.

Hi again, PanOut...

Supposing we're both sharing the same understanding of "team request", well... it can be the same old thing you're used to or the greatest thing you've ever heard in your Life:

-I'm really interested in having a group of people working together under a healthy and supportive environment, aiming to build conditions to both have a great income overtime as well as (and that's something I haven't touched yet) being in touch with their player base as much as they can find fun out of it, again creating a human experience out of it;

-it's clear the potential this industry has to produce large amounts of money, whether or not under ethical guidelines it is entirely up to the higher ups. I'm not only willing to give this project a rock solid ethical backbone in its entirety, from production to fair monetization schemes (when the time comes) as well as a planned, predictable product life cycle, added with offline/LAN/community driven servers support, but majorly seeking to fairly distribute any income we make from any medium our products spread across not only among the productive chain as well as (as already described) reasonably distributing such profits over social projects, first or third party, our greatest contribution being this reference institute which will keep doors open to help each and every person who comes across it - why? essentially, a good number of us have no one to rely on, anymore, the reasons are widely known;

-it's key to the model it'll feed back and forth from/to any other industry we manage to develop or partner with - last year, our (small) group was involved on a U$ ~100 million negotiation of productive farms, two import operations, one of them linked to an already operating firm established in China (yes, I don't like that - yes, I plan to do something about it, if/when we reach a turning point), among other small operations, all put on hold due to several reasons - which I'm really tired from, thus I'm seeking for alternatives, this gaming thing would be a second or a third step;

-I'm currently in advanced conversations with this TV host which seems pretty interested in helping the project; I'm also in contact with a girl who allegedly got Gisele Bundchen's talent recruiter attention, as well as two other actual models, one of them manager at an agency, all of this being planned as part of a strategy to get our games covered in the non-specialized media, added with the visibility our main project has potential to bring, family-driven gaming being a method of both attracting sales as well as promoting quality of life to family relationships, which actually is one of my major goals with all this jazz.

It's a win-win-win-win game, PanOut. I'm amazed to see so much disdain, here, when the options clearly are... hate, poverty, indifference, unemployment, submission. It really amazes me.

No, I don't. As well as many other, some allegedly, respected game studio leaders.

But yes, I completely agree with you - it's crucial to have such an experienced, time proven, ideally cross-platform driven, well connected, team player coder, ready to start over on this new project, with complete unknowns from all around the globe with completely asymmetric background skills, happy to join under the promise of an above the market payment if and when a project succeeds. Do you know such a person...? I don't, and that's why I'm here.'s all about concrete projects!

Under the "done" tag, we already helped people paying their rents, reaching out for cancer treatment, getting regular medicine, finding jobs, even making a car available for a father to sustain his family as a Uber driver - which is not an ideal job in any way.

But we've failed to provide a single mother in the Netherlands a small amount so she could stay for a while "in the woods" with her 3 years old child until the vaccination discussion would settle down in Europe (and please notice: it's not about standing on the anti-vax ground, it's all about supporting a person suffering amidst a real crisis, regardless of their choices, until the time comes so we may have a chance - and any meaningful voice - for reasoning), we've failed to provide a good quality mattress for a person who allegedly remains for 10+ years already having few minutes of sleep each night while we couldn't find a deeply specialized medical professional able to provide a more effective treatment, we've failed to perforate an artesian well on a remote area so a small settlement could have easy access to water, we are failing to support yet another single mother in the USA area unable to find herself a job, I am failing to provide my mother some medicine as her treatments got more expensive recently, while this recently second hand bought laptop is proving itself unable to help me with some jobs I'm already losing for not having enough processing power to perform them. Despite my experience, contacts, etc, etc, etc. This thing is dragging us all.

There's this small group of caretakers which with some support are already eager to join our efforts, a business/investment consultant ready to contribute with a partnership, a 70 women group being considered to work with this internationally experienced cuisine chief, a project aiming to create this network of oxygen providers as in a recent case I had the chance to save a person's father while discovering to my dismay such a thing doesn't exist even after such a global crisis in which oxygen was crucial to making a difference, as well as the realization of what I'm provisionally calling "Solidarity Journeys", an attempt to unite people in need of help with people willing to make a difference. All of that needing really small amounts to happen, small amounts I'm failing to produce as... well. People are crazy, now. Think about what's happening right here, in this forum. It's... craziness.

Well... there's many, many more to say but the audience seems not to be really interested. After 167 views as I'm writing this (I'm not sure Google bot is counted), I guess it's time to consider a different approach. I'll wait for another week and will leave the forums if no interested people show up. I'm also considering replying to specific posts in which people do seem to be ready to work and check them for any interest in the partnership.

Sam Altman correctly said the time is now for us to rethink our society concerning AI and its impacts and, while he was pointing towards some faith in our institutions, which are hardly interested in what's good for the majority of us, I think we are at the cusp of entirely losing control over our freedom, our finances, our access to WATER - problems we are already facing all around the world but... who cares, eh? The next unfinished, barely functional triple A $90 deluxe-still-incomplete pack is right around the corner, a good number anxious to throw billionaire greedy companies their harder-than-ever earned money to sustain some executives' empty, when not openly criminal lifestyles.

Well... it's the biggest open world RPG ever created - choices REALLY matter!

Hi, PaStef...

Thanks for popping in.

I don't want to sound aggressive towards you by any means but it's funny... after some consideration, I do decided to write this shorter version of my proposal made into another forum - in which I was criticized by writing a lengthy post! And YES, that's the kind of problem we're all trapped into, nowadays... It's... sad, to say the least.

Anyway... ok, I'll write more on that, later, as I'm occupied by the entire weekend already, the sooner I can. Essentially: I plan to pay above regular market does: yes, I'd like people to be satisfied not only with what they earn but also with the conditions they all work with, it CAN'T be "equal" in the general sense of splitting all the income in equal shares as a substantial part will be feeding other social and businesses projects (as well as feeding reinvestments needed to improve quality of Life for our associates), the whole group (gaming or other) sharing gradually more as the whole thing sustainably grows. It's a tad more than that but yes, it all can be summarized under a serious attempt of promoting effective economic and "political" justice, being very cautious here so this shouldn't be confused with other practices already trending - and actually causing more harm than good, if certain factors are taken into account.

I was told people here would welcome the opportunity with wide open arms, and I'm sure they were not ironical about it.

Well... that's exactly why I need to keep searching.

...or slaves from now on.

I'm really concerned about what's going on with today's world. Already. Think about it for a moment. "Dystopian" is already a common world describing what we're already in, and I'm hearing it - and witnessing some dramatic consequences - among youngsters. Children, too. Children.

I'm really unhappy at how abandoned we all are from nearly any institution, our friendships, superficial, our relationships, barely functional, our families, financially, emotionally, broken.

I am really heartbroken by seeing so much effort put by many developers thrown down the hole by many well known factors I see no reason to list here. Which I relate to, from a totally different walk of Life standpoint, being myself a big fan of the gaming industry as a whole, except for the glaring flaws it has consuming it year after year, more than ever.

Anyway, I'm determined to do something about it. About all of those issues, I mean - as much as I can, as far as some organized work can reach.

Last year, IICRC, I stumbled upon a thread here asking for ideas to stand out among the crowd. At the same time, I was seeing a whole subproject crumble due to lack of commitment, open laziness or our harsh reality imposing itself on some participants of this big negotiation. Game industry would be a next step: I was focusing on establishing this network of professionals and businesses so we could back up social projects as well as creating our own. Gaming has a tremendous potential for making bonds as well as generating jobs, but it's ruined because of... well, it's already exhaustively discussed how deranged the whole thing has turned, I really think a great work can be done by simply giving people what they're lacking all around: respect. Real respect.

But I want way more than that to be done.

If you are respectful, friendly, approachable, has a sense that SOMETHING must be done but already realized NO ONE is really interested in listening or giving you opportunity to make a difference, has some technical knowledge on any field concerning game creation/support/designing/programming/marketing, please step forward. If you are a lone wolf but are open to do your part, you are welcome too and will be respected in your choice by this work community.

Ideally, I'd like this group to be helpful towards each other, open to discuss real Life issues and as a team, ready ourselves to build solutions as much as we can. If the whole thing succeeds, either at this gaming project or any other project under my supervision, resources will be shared enhancing either weak link we may have, be it a person, a group or a business or project, each and every decision being made by the interested participants. It's time to put some differences apart and focus on the severe issues we all are being submitted to. It's time to have friends we can rely on, it's time to have people in relevant positions to defend our interests as families, as consumers, as victims of all sorts of abuses and if we have none, well... it's time to look no further as anyone else seems to be busy defending their own interests despite being called our bosses, our representatives, our leaders. We are losing our liberties (no, I'm not a far-right supporter), we are being crushed by a system which is clearly showing its cracks even among its big players (I'm not a "leftist", either). The gaming industry reflects both sides of this hateful coin but, with some luck and sense of urgency, it still provides us tools to fight back - at least among the number of us who will take the job of creating an alternative.

