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A member registered Jan 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Controls are way to janky

Pretty cool game dude, there are still some things that need to be fixed, like the power system for example. All round a pretty good game and really good graphics for a fan game of this caliber. I'd say as a tip for phone calls, write down what you want to say rather than improvise, it gets pretty awkward when the phone guy has nothing else to say.  

Oh okay, thanks anyways.

Yo can you make it so that I can play this on the website

Okay thank you. Also I have an idea, can you think of a way to make it so that the cat has phases where it slowly edges its way to the door making it so that you have to get timing done correctly?

why does the night last so long. Legit and what is to stop me from sitting at the door the entire time and holding spac

One working on the music, the programming, the sprites, the art, characters, this isn't a one man game like what Toby Fox did with Undertale.

L i K e  G o D 

So you find something hard easy, but the thing that is actually easy hard? That just seems backwards ngl.

Alright, I legit thought at first he was just a character that was createdwith the game.

reactions on Twitter: "doge shiba inu dog in class shut the fuck up you  don't have the talking stick… "

Just go on Youtube and look them up.

Quick question, who is pico?

Okay, so you have three tracks for week 3, and the same with week 4, but for now let's talk about week 3 (Hard mode Week 3). Pico is probably going to be the easiest one in the entire week, the hard parts don't start until you get to the part where you have to push the left and right keys really fast and then the downward arrow(this is for hard mode). Stay calm when doing this, the track will try and mix you up and throw at you the same hard part but instead you would have to press the right arrow where the left arrow should be. Then after that it will hit you with a pattern that goes like up, right, left, down (the same speed as when you did the right and left part). And that is really all you have to worry about for Pico. Next you have Philly is going to probably be the hardest one in the week (don't say blammed is harder, Philly has more notes and a harder pattern to master on hard). With Philly, you will need to work on you finger coordination because the pattern for the song can cramp your fingers, for this I recommend that you rest your fingers while playing this track. Also you must follow the pattern when it is your turn to start playing. Philly is good for practice if you need to get in the groove when you want to play a song. But really, all you need to do is just follow the notes and stay calm because the arrows will be spaced out enough so you have enough time to react. And finally, we have Blammed. A baller track with probably one of the best drops in the game. Really your main focus is gonna be on the beginning of the song and the drop.  Now the beginning part of the track is gonna take memorization when playing. YOU MUST PAY ATTENTION TO THE ARROWS. And then that leaves you to the drop. This is when crap hits the fan and ruins a perfect run. But remember, paying attention to when the notes come is the most important thing. A tip would be to watch someone who has done a perfect run on youtube and re-watch the drop part over and over until you have memorized the pattern and can tell what note will come first.

No, the stickman figure is Henry Stickman.

Did you guys notice the Hell Benders, created and animated by Oney? They were right next to Meat Boy, they are behind the tree on the left side.

Also Spookeez is going to be the only hard track in week 2, South is so much easier than Spookeez. But here is the gimmick with both tracks:  Spookeez is all about timing. When you get to the first part of the, what everybody calls, the drop, you must stay calm and relax. For when you mess up once, you start to lose your rhythm and you start to forget your timing. Even if you mess up it is important that you keep your cool when playing because if you mess up even once, you get nervous and you start to mess up.

Now South is a different story than Spookeez. South's gimmick is mix-up. South will try and mix up the patterns mid-way into the song. This is also about timing, but not as much as Spookeez. South is all about memorization, after you finish the part that goes, "Up, Right, Left" for like 15 seconds, it will try and confuse you by going, "Left, Right, Down,    Left, Right, Down,    Up, Right, Left,   Up, Right, Left,     Left, Right, Up. "   This is where memorization comes into play. Like I said before, best way to figure out the pattern of South is by going on Youtube and watching someone perfect the song on hard. And just replay the clip over and over again until you know which arrow is coming up next.


Here is a tip that helps me a lot when I want to practice and beat a song. I would go to either soundcloud, spotify, or whatever platform you use to listen to music to,  I would then look up the track I am trying to beat, then what I would do is listen to the song, over and over and over again. Until I can get the timing for each arrow correct. If this doesn't work with you than try going on Youtube and looking up the track and watch a person who has completed the track on hard, and whatever part you are messing up on, watch them do it over and over again until you can memorize what arrow will come first. 

Bruh I can't tell if you guys are oblivious or over exaggerate too much. Week 2 isn't hard, SPOOKEEZ is hard yes, but the entirety of  week 2 isn't hard. Yes it is a huge jump when you complete week 1 and jump into week 2 but the thing is is that SPOOKEEZ is the only hard song, because I am sure you can all agree that SOUTH is a lot easier than SPOOKEEZ.

Bro can you all stop saying that WEEK 2 is hard, it's really not, SPOOKEEZ is hard, SOUTH is not. ONE song in WEEK 2 is hard, not the entirety of week 2. So stop saying week 2 is hard, it's not. SPOOKEEZ is the only hard song in week 2 my dude.

You guys have it all wrong, spookeez is hard, not the entity of week 2, because south is a lot easier than the songs in week 3 

I request the link/name of those websites my good sir

Imagine unironically owning a chromebook instead of a laptop or computer, and yes, I did make a account to reply to this post. Fight me.