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The North Woods Farmer

A member registered 25 days ago · View creator page →

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 I got it here    

I just wanted people to have the only good thing out of that pack!

When i tested it it had all the animations...

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I bet, but I dont want to get into the asking permission stuff...       heres where I got both of them from

No Problem!! I've been wanting this too!

Yea no problem! Tbh I just converted it for fun and thought you guys would like it lol    

I did say in the description that it does have errors.  I don't know how to fix them...

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I thought mod hoster was good too.   Mod Network went down hill... back in 19 it was the best mod site

Mod Hoster       TBH I thought i was cooked when I saw it  lol

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ill look into that thank you!!

Edit: Fixed It!! Will Update Soon! 

Let Me Know Any Other Things I Can Fix Too ;)

Its a private map im making :)

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I did change the cab size, fixed the light size, fixed the smv sign and added the agco logo in the front   just a couple changes.

Sorry I found that it was Poasted here on itch by TooBad46. Not sure if you gave permision to him... 

In the moddesc I have Credits that have me and Bronkema. He reskined the Bob Cat first, I just took the decals off and put new ones on.

But thanks I will update this and give full credit!

I see people have posted this  mod elsewhere, Some have gave credit some haven't. I just want to see the download on itch and not mod files or something like that   Thanks

Hey Thanks My Man, I Hope So Too I Just Have No Clue About Blender And Stuff lol