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A member registered Jan 14, 2018

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I'm glad to see that this game is back! I've still got the initial 'build' from the earlier release when the false flag issue was first discovered. It's good to see the addition of the tutorial crows!
The Gameplay loop's fun, if easy to master (there's no point in investing in pussy plants -- just go full yellow dickus. Trust me), and the horror's pretty effective on your first night or two. Though, it loses its fear factor once you're actually caught -- turns out, horny wolves aren't all that scary, compared to the murderous (and only potentially horny) kind! 
The only criticism I can muster is with the night period, and the window. Once you finish the one window check for the night, where you have to somewhat awkwardly time the lights between being got by the 'hidden tentacle lady' and not letting the wolf see you, you just end up doing nothing for the next few minutes while you wait for night to end. You could try to risk farming outside to pass the time, but the wolf never leaves for long enough to even let that dream become remotely feasible. 
Those headaches aside, Haunted Acre's a fun, unique play. If anyone's gone through and read this, I recommend giving it a shot -- the lewds and atmosphere's well worth it!

A good game with some minor flaws. If you like a touch of big booba and light-hearted fun, give it a shot.

I hold only hatred for the easter egg at the end. Made me shid my pants.

When I first tried this game, it was more so out of morbid curiosity. I thought the art style looked odd and pretty much summed this game up as a stereotypical edgy experience with a bit of porn sprinkled in.
So, taking all of this, to say I was surprised by Superhuman would be an extreme understatement. I'm pretty sure that comparing the impact of this game to a truck hitting a brick as its quality slammed into me would still be an insufficient summary.

The story is phenomenal. Not as in "good for a porn game", but more so along the lines of "this game doesn't even need to be a porn game with a plot this good". Without spoiling too much, I can simply say that the layers upon layers of mystery combined with the comedic, yet serious atmosphere is blissful to experience. Characters are written really damn well, with even throwaway ones often piquing your interest with their backgrounds. If I were to splurge every compliment I had for the writing in this game, I'd be here all day.

Despite my first misgivings about the art style, I've come to love it. From an outsider's perspective, it looked rough and strange, but once you start playing the game, it fits in perfectly. The edgy theme that I thought emanated from it? Melted into the background as Superhuman's atmosphere soaked it in. The only problems I ever had with it were with certain characters, and that was all due to personal preference, not due to their quality and how they fit into the game.

Then there are the lewd bits. Would it be a surprise at this point if I said they, too, were fantastic? Because they are. I can't speak much beyond this, since it's all down to your personal preferences (although WeirdWorld did a pretty damn good job implementing the scenes. To put it shortly, expect to plot to come before the sex.)

The fact that I never meant to write all of this just goes to show how much this game can really suck you in, despite its first appearance. I suggest anyone reading this to give it a try if they're feeling off about it, Superhuman is genuinely a diamond amongst the rough... and if WeirdWorld is reading this, you've made a pretty fucking amazing game here. I can't wait to see more, and wish you luck!

I appreciate both the response and the offer to join the Discord! Unfortunately, I like to keep my reviews and that apart, so I likely won't be joining anytime soon (I have made exceptions before, however). I have decided to follow you to keep up-to-date on any future releases, so I'll still be here for any further feedback and suggestions! Albeit my suggestions are more personal preference-based than actual universally loved changes, so maybe not. 

Either way, despite the rather negative tone I gave in my review, I'm enjoying what exists of this game thus far, so I wish you luck on any future development!

I'm going to be blunt: this demo is tough. Really tough. The "kick your ass and leave you crying in the corner" tough. I've attempted the prototype fight nearly ten times now, and I've gotten runs lucky enough to the point where I'd manage to defeat both Krystal and Rem, as well as injure Ram pretty nicely, but all it would take is one unlucky hit or blade storm to finish off the best of the party. I blame Ram's near over-powered status for that since she hits like a damn truck and has the health of a tank.

Right, now that my venting about that's over, onto my main thoughts about the prototype. Whilst there's obviously not much here at the moment, I can say that I'm pleasantly surprised by the mechanics here once I look past the difficulty. I'm a fan of the traits each character holds and how they affect their stats in combat. They're quite reminiscent of Darkest Dungeon's quirk system, and leave me curious as to how they'll be further implemented in the future.

If this fight wasn't so mind-numbingly difficult, I can certainly say one thing: the combat is fun, at least for the moment. The number of skills each character leaves a lot of room for imagination and strategy, although I didn't get to explore all the avenues of possibility with the resolve and lust(?) skills since physical damage seemed to be the only way to actually make a dent in the fight. From what I can guess, however, lust appears to be used for more powerful abilities (such as Mercy's healgasm skill), like a mana bar, which can be reduced by enemies' offensive lust skills, or the other way around. Resolve took far too long to drain due to the massive cooldown time of abilities, but I assume it'll follow the same mechanics as stress in Darkest Dungeon. 

On an off-topic note, before I get to the things that need to be worked on in the combat thus far, the selection of characters here is certainly interesting. I'm excited to see what plans you have for the customization mentioned in the description. Krystal is the best waifu, fight me.

Alright, onto the things that need to be worked on and the bad. Like I mentioned above, the cooldown for skills can be crippling in this combat encounter. Bash, for example, either has a 6 turn cooldown or a 3 turn cooldown that only starts after the effect runs its course. Either way, the waiting time before you can use that ability is abysmally long, even if the skill is incredibly helpful.

The other issue I had was all of the binding and gag abilities. At first, they look incredibly helpful, as a four-turn ability lock would've been extremely helpful, but their current state is kind of a mess. Combatants are capable of struggling in the binds when their turn comes around, and it makes sense that this ability might have a percentage chance to release/reduce the bind's effect. However, whether by bug or choice, enemies always escape when they struggle, meaning that the bind abilities are actually one turn stuns. This makes them near completely useless, outside of the few scenarios where you have to stun Ram to prevent her from hitting the party whilst she's enraged. 

So, in conclusion, I'm liking a lot of the ideas this prototype's bringing up. The idea of a Darkest Dungeon + Slave Maker + Pokemon game intrigues me in the development of this game, so I'll be keeping an eye out for future changes. Since it's a prototype, all the issues I've found are easily waved off as early build problems. No one makes anything perfect on the first try, that's for damn sure.

Hello again! I doubt anyone reading this remembers me or has even seen me in the first place, but nearly a year ago I left a rather positive review on this game (and like it before, I'm writing this review under the influence of fatigue. Oh, how fate repeats itself.) I'm glad to say that this review isn't going to be too different in terms of positivity. 
To begin, let's go off of the old. The version I had last played was (probably) the beta of 0.51, and I'm glad to see the progress that's been made since then. In my original review, one of the few complaints I made was about the quality of the shop menu -- a complaint that is completely gone in the newer update. Alternatively, the boring slog that was the original sex system has been improved greatly, and whilst it noticeably began to become boring as longer and longer sessions were required to make enough money (Vinegara and Endurance+ for the win!) to buy parts, it held up far longer than its predecessor.
Now, let's continue with the new. The new artist is fantastic, easily bringing a new warmness of life to our favorite robot girl. Every scene involving the new bot is a dream, as the animations are smooth, fantastic, and breathe life into a supposed lifeless sexbot. Little touches, like her blush from being 'pent up' to the ensuing ahgaeo face that appears once you help fix that problem show how much care was put into her. In terms of the story, if my memory is correct with the 0.51 version, little content was added in that regard here. I continue my old review's praise of the world-building that is brought up here, with things like the news to the simple mention of the landlord's financial troubles showing the true trouble that the MDRG world is in.  Anon's story is interesting to listen to, providing a rather down-to-earth case of family troubles. From a struggling mother trying to cope with her husband's death and her son's choice to move from her household to Anon's history with depression, it tackles some rather interesting topics that only make me wonder about the involvement of our sexbot friend. Will she assist with Anon's depressive troubles? Will she give ample advice about his situation with his mother? Only time will tell!
As of now, I haven't experienced the game to its fullest extent. Based on other reviews, I completely missed the church due to its fourth-day soft lock bug, so I was completely unaware of its existence. Additionally, I haven't experienced anything with Dr. Blaubeim due to my constant walks to regain any loss in the Sanity/Mentality bar. Despite that, I've enjoyed what I had with the game's "core" experience greatly.
As for complaints, I'll once again repeat past me's review by stating that I have very few. I already made clear how the sex system can become a slog if you wish to gain enough money for parts, but I could've easily missed a major money-making moment with the stock system or gambling (I did end up making up to 30000 dollars with every session, though). The only two "major" complaints I had with the game were: 1) Unless I quickly grew used to it, the early parts of the story's writing felt weak in some moments, with either a bit too much in terms of exclamation marks or rather droning/odd sentences. The newer parts appeared to have mostly adapted out of these flaws, but I just wanted to point that out. As for my other complaint, 2) The way events worked could feel clunky at times. For example, the arrival of the drone that contains a package could vary wildly on whether or not the MC was at their apartment. Whilst this dynamic system allows for more fluid events in some cases, set arrival moments like these could feel out of place in this system.
And that's about it in terms of complaints! I'm glad to see how this game has advanced over the year, and I can safely say I don't regret the $10 I spent on it. Sheep, HiMyNameIs, Sixie, and even the old artist of RoboMachine have done great work here, and I can only hope this project's development continues. Whilst I have many suggestions for the game, the majority are all just fetishy desires for the sex system... plus, it'd be best if I did that all another day. For now, I wish the entire team good luck with this project! (And I also apologize to anyone who got a headache at reading this wall of text.)

I'll try to keep it short and sweet, but really good game thus far. Worldbuilding is well-done with the cyber-punk reality that really doesn't seem all that far off from our own, and the simple news website that pops up was quite interesting with its articles.
Anon's story is, thus far, much more interesting than I expected. I'm too tired in my current state to say exactly why, but it felt like a breath of fresh air.
Currently, I only have a few complaints that I can think of, but they're pretty low note.
a) The UI in some places (I.E the shop menu) can look somewhat questionable in terms of quality, but hey, it works.
b) The current lewd scene can become a bit of a slog to go through when you're streaming for funds, although I don't really see much of a fix for that (or I'm just too tired to look).
On a separate note, I presume the brain icon in the corner represents an unfinished sanity meter? It would make sense, considering the messages when you take a walk outside.
Alright, besides all that, great potential so far. It's not often that I say that (or any reviews, really), but Factorial Omega's already proving to be a fun trip. I hope to see this game finished, and wish you guys luck in future development.

I have that too, and some oversight would really be helpful at this point.