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The Power Of Green Games

A member registered Jan 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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oh sorry, I thought there would be exploration and combat elements because of the tags. In that case, I recommend you make more moving cinematics, since many times it is just text and static characters.

The main issue I see is that the maps are too large, leaving a lot of empty space. I would recommend using black screen transitions to make them less abrupt. However, the game is interesting in other aspects. I would also suggest not making the cutscenes too long, or at least making them more engaging, and improving the maps.

El problema con la pantalla de título es el uso del emoji y la foto de perfil. Yo sugeriría eliminarlos y usar tu foto de perfil como la primera pantalla de transición que se vea. Hay algunos errores de texto y de tilesets, y los mapas son un poco simples o cuadrados. Además, a la historia le falta emoción para mantener al jugador interesado y el juego esta desbalanceado. Me pareció interesante poder escoger tu clase al inicio. ¡Mucha suerte!

I wish you the best and good luck improving it


It looks like it is probably good, but his combat is terribly unbalanced, so I couldn't get past the mage with his other 5 enemies.

This is horrible, the story makes zero sense, there are super powerful enemies and the combat is extremely poorly balanced. There are things placed without sense and the mapping is very ugly.

The mapping is very bad 

The mapping is strange, the story is confusing and the combat has good mechanics but its very slow and makes it very boring.

É uma farsa, você não pode nem jogar se comprar