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The Sapphire Starship

A member registered Dec 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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I see you changed the colors, it is a lot better and more readable now :) Nice profile pic btw

(1 edit)

Great Game! The artwork is good, the sound it good, it goes with the theme well, it is very polished, and it is very WOWIE!!!

My computer is not very good and i could not really play your game so Im not going to rate it since i can not get a good opinion of it, sorry :(. I do suggest that you choose different colors for the itch page since I could not read read anything on your page because of the colors

Thanks for the feedback, I do plan on updating it and making it all better, ill checkout your game when I get a chance

(1 edit)

Thanks, I do plan on putting in the work and making it better :)

Thanks for the awesome feedback! I ran out of time in the jam to add sound and more levels, I really wanted to but just did not get the chance. The fourth level was kinda put together in a hurry and isn't very good. I do plan. On updating it and making it a lot better, keep an eye out for the updates:)

I will be updating this and making it a lot better, keep an eye out for updates:)

Thanks! I do plan on updating it making the artwork and level design better as well as add more levels. Keep an eye out :)

Thanks for the feedback, I do plan on updating it and making it better

sorry but I would rather do this on myself, this is my first game jam and I am new to game development in gener(also, I don't think I'm any better at collision myself).

goes into some pretty good detail, most don't do that

I'm pretty sure you can, I know of several youtubers/streamers that pretty much only make videos/stream about making there game jam game

Thanks, I will :D

Yup, completely clear :)

I was want to tell you thanks for all the videos you make, its helped me learn so much about game dev and what it is like to ve a game dev. I just started being a game developer, I posted v0.0.1 Battle Slime(my first game) a couple of days ago, its not much yet but this is just the prototype and it will get a lot better.

I'm pretty sure you can, don't take my word for it though, im personally going to us godot

thanks I'll take a look at them

Do you have(or would you be able to make) a video that talks about things that a first time game jam participant(of which i am one) should know?