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The Sybarite

A member registered May 22, 2024

Recent community posts

Hey Vertigo, quick question. Version 4.0 (grats btw) what day does it go up to? As in day count in game.

Atemsiel/Lads, could someone tell me what the current release goes to from a day count perspective? It's been a while since I have looked at Stormside and am currently playing v23.1

As many of the comments below, I would love more content. That aside, you are a complete god for what you have done tying The Wrath with Dogma. It's unique, it's superlative, and of course we want more. And for a change :) there is no "but"

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Septcloud, what is your preferred method of receiving text corrections? I tried giving screenshots but they were blocked.

Ichijoe we understand perfectly. Worry not. But take a step back for a moment and reflect on your work so far. There is a a direct correlation between the quality of the work and the desire for more content. In other words, your work is so good we want more of it. It's sublime. So please don't take offense, I was merely trying to communicate that your audience is hungry, of course, but we also understand the process. My purpose was to compliment the author, rather than to stamp my foot and demand an update :P

Bah, Honey Select is tripping up so many people. I do wish HS would come out with a blanket disclaimer to allow you guys to proceed, but I understand completely. it is so!

My thanks, and apologies. Please take the impatience as a compliment :)

Hey Cosy. Whilst waiting for updates I find myself starting from scratch and playing through on only three games. Cosy Cafe is one of them. It's amazing. You are to be commended for all the effort that you have put into the game. High time you put it on Steam and let us purchase it properly :)

August the 17th 2024. That was the last update of one of my favourite AVN's. Can I ask is this still being worked on?

Thanks Zetan, makes sense.

Ho Zetan, happy holidays. I am replaying again as we all know the story is awesome, and why wouldn't I? (bought the steam, don't worry) :P But this run it struck me that it's rather difficult to tell the difference between the times of day. Would you consider adding an indicator of some description? Even on the world map for instance? Just a thought.

Hey Atemx Games, quick question. Is there any version of this game above 0.1b available anywhere? Don't mind paying, it's awesome.

Hi Jamleng, just a minor one. Immediately after the event with the FIB where the MC gives the org structure. Might need to trigger a new day.

Oh, and the best Christmas present I could have hoped for? The (by chance) discovery of the content by turning down the cheerleader. Jaysus, you could have said :P

Hey Goosenards. Superlative game, and a fantastic start. But zero visibility or indication of updates. I appreciate that you are working on multiple projects, (god knows I appreciate that) but I would ask for some indication on timelines for SD. Visibility of commitment translates to donations as I am sure you know. Am here ready, but if the game is on hold I won't. Capice?

Hey Xo Mo, quick question. (first time playing) Is there any way of embarking on this journey and keeping Hilda and your younger sis out of the clutches of the corporation? Or does it all work out? Not a request for spoilers, just asking if they are ok in the end.

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Boss, where does one go to get the latest release. Steam or itch? Bah, don't worry, bought it on Steam anyhoo :)

I would part with my left arm for Ep3

Oooooh, that explains matters! Thank you.

Hey Runey, thanks for the latest update. I never thought I would ever see myself type the following, but I find myself missing Felicity :). That aside I have one question. I am trying to ask this without spoiling so bear with me. The blackmail premise that was used to extract a certain daughter was incorrect, was it not? At the time all the slaves were legally owned? Or am I wrong?

Wonderful game. Need more :)

Perfectly understandable. I started a new game and started flipping days until I got exclamation marks. At which point I understood. My thanks for your reply.

I am really confused with the game. Don't get me wrong, I love it. But I have all these quests and no way to action them. For instance, I am playing PC, but there is no mobile icon. So I cannot send messages, am I missing something?

I cannot download 12-25, is there somewhere I need to pay?

I just wish this game was complete as I would happily pay top dollar for it. The graphics, the game play, the humour. Sorry it's a blast. I look forward to the finished product on Steam. Any ideas of an ETA?