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A member registered Feb 17, 2023

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''My device flagged this as a virus!,,

"That's probably a safe move by the computer; this is an executable file that is not, in the scheme of things, very commonly downloaded. But this file is safe. You might have to play around with your antivirus or security settings to allow it to download; usually if you hit something along the lines of 'more information' it will allow you to proceed." - scrolling up

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Yo i have former loner that skypaw (now skyleaf) of my newest clan invited in and it says senior adult and 19 moons, also my leader stepped dowqn cause they got their leg run over and i couldn't make a new leader, imma reload and update this comment

UPDATE: i reloaded the game russet became leader again and it still says BounceBerry (the former loner) is senior adult AND 19 moons

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i caNt upDaTe 

gjihjwthgeutirfjfsp0if gvhjnsirgoufrv myhj54ij hnjuh ghdsznjrf vytgaw87rf vr6 ywe8rc95etr y4uygj34 8905t342n 8709ytrwt y78grw gy7tu4wt uytr u54tNWASqy ig haw JASKFODJCjig auyHFhggaUGAUYHAYUYagu

Edit: tryna download usin dissy :)

edit2: didn't work :(

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not a dev or anything but i think sometimes the clan may not save properly, triple save when the clan is made.

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*cries in can't update and i tried but i'm about to try again and keep you updated*

*cries in i still cant*

I'm not sure either, i like keeping track of the queen to the kits and avoid patrols until those kits are apprentices in the meantime.