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The untextured

A member registered Dec 07, 2023

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Thank you very much! Appreciate you playing!

(1 edit)

Whops.... I forgot to add barriers outside of the map or make the map infinite.... 

Appreciate your feedback! Did you manage to see all 3 rare upgrades?

Game jam games are meant to be dumb games! Have a look at mine! It has race cars spinning at 200km/h.... That is also pretty dumb...

You got a lot of stuff done in 10 days! Controls were a bit janky but the overall concept was fun! Well made!

I will never put my phone in a microwave now. 

Overall, I love the chaotic feel of the game: the camera, the controls and the destruction. Sometimes it does feel like the floor breaks too easily and randomly, but for the rest, it was complete and I loved it! Spent too much time trying to bounce on the beds...

If you ever feel like continuing the project and you need testers, hit me up! I'm theuntextured on Discord! I'd love to play a more developed version!

The real treat is you playing the game! Thank you very much!

Thank you very much for the feedback and for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

lol alr!

Short but very interesting mechanics! Loved the concept. The actual enemies were a bit uninteresting since there was no real challenge, even in hard mode. But as a game jam project, I really enjoyed playing it!

Good job!

I don't really know where the game is going... I feel like it was somewhat unfinished, which is a shame. Would definitely love to play a finished version though!

I didn't manage to get it to do anything... Am I missing something? All I see is a cube breaking and turning sad.

That poor cube....

It does say ANY game engine.... Would be interesting to see what you can make with it! :)