why did you have to end it with such a good cliffhanger! I want to read more but I have to wait for the development. such a good game and I cant wait to see what kind of plot twists you put in here. you definitely have your own personality when it comes to the story.
great game, the humor is definitely really good in it. just one thing how do I get the last scene with Aiko and Lauren? p.s. Stabby is my favorite character.
I've been trying to find out the terminal number for "there is nothing", but it doesn't work. I looked in the third trinity scene and the last event, and tried the password at the beginning. I'm curious if I have to do something with a port number it mentions?
I cant figure out what to put in for the terminal number. I have played back all the trinity scenes multiple times but all i hear is random words pertaining to the story.