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A member registered Sep 25, 2021

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hi there! i have a quick question. if we buy the sfw version of EA will we have access to the NSFW version or vice versa? or do you have to buy the the other version as well? 


that was concerningly quick, but it does work now. thank you :D

the latest build gives me an exception screen when i try to go to endings. 

i shouldnt be playing this with a headache ;-;.

i spent an extra hour trying to get the true ending... totes worth it :O

loved it!  a bunch of typos, though that doesn't hurt it too much.

mayhaps,  but Jamie was referred to as "he" at least once, thats how i came to that conclusion.

took me a while to realise jamie is a dude lol

probably not tbh.

lol, it takes time to make the game, and time is money. at least the base game is free.

when the game is released, would you be open to making a walkthrough?

was this game always on your page? i dont seem to remember it being on your page previously.

well said

thank you ^_^

i dont suppose you could make a walkthrough?

if not thats fine too :)

wow, that was just... wow. I'm so happy that they got a happy ending. i nearly cried.

*very, sorry

this game was vey cute ^_^.

though I'm a bit put off by how jealous Chet was when sol hung out w/ bill at the mall. guess that's in his character though.

its sfw, dw