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A member registered May 29, 2020

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When you put down a vertical start it morphs into a plain 1x1 start. 

Can you add custom music?

he means music in the worlds hardest game 1, 2, 3, 4,

Here's something: You can change different delete sizes like from 1x1 to 3x3 to 5x5. That would be cool and you could even do that with blocks. Rememeber: This is just an idea.

That's if its going fast

Bug: When you die and your touching reflection and you get hit by a enemy it makes it x3 louder.

I don't know what to do about it.

Hmm.. I found nothing...

Here are somethings you could do, You don't have to do them they're just ideas. 1: Moving Blocks. Maybe you could use the "?/" Key To like guide out its movement. (Like even maybe on Enemies too. With your mouse.) 2: Bigger area than 16x30 to build in. You could make a MULTI LEVEL. Like adding portals. Again maybe the apostrophe key. 3: A bug that's been happening lately. SO the bug I was talking about yesterday. HAPPENED AGAIN FOR 10 SECONDS. I don't know how to fix it. But I'll do research.


Hmm... The other day control issue... It lasted for 20 seconds. Here might be why:  Umm, Actually I don't know... Maybe if you hold left click for a while it starts to get wonky??

Dude when you said you were bad at making games, I THOUGHT YOU WERE LYING. 

Ok, Bug or normal? Bieng able to have a block go through the edges by x2 (x1 is normal.)

Is this a bug or is this normal? Having speed only moving up by 10s

Alright, We got it. :)

Ok, Something just popped in my Brain: A sound block. So you press Ctrl (You can do shift or something too.)  and then you get a sound block. you can see it while in edit mode. But not in Test Mode. Also if you will make one, I would prefer it would be able through walls. But we won't expect it soon because the updates take time- :)

Wait that's odd. I tested it and then went back and then It was fixed. That's nice.

I just found something: The controls changed. 

If you could make this online this would be even better. Make level slots and saves would make it nice.

There's a bug where You cannot change anything with speed, or Background, Type, Cursor. Or any controls on the bottom. You can only place and delete objects. Also I can't get out of it.

Here's an idea:Could you try making moving coins? That would the game better and challenging.