Nice game!
Recent community posts
If you're getting "Permission denied" errors, try running "chmod +x /thepathto/", or if you're not using the terminal, right click the file > properties > permissions > allow executing file as program.
However, it's likely you'll get python module errors like "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'future')".
Either the game doesn't come with all the necessary libraries, or it does but for whatever reason can't find them.
It was easier for me to just import the game into Lutris and running the game with wine.
I don't know if this is an issue with linux versions of renpy games in general, or if it's specific to this game.
Works running with wine-9.15 staging for all the linux users out there. I got an error unzipping the file and had to use "UNZIP_DISABLE_ZIPBOMB_DETECTION=TRUE" when doing so. It's just a false positive.
Performance however is very sluggish even with all low graphics settings, other comments suggest this too, it's unlikely a wine issue, and wine doesn't tend to impact performance on a game that significantly most of the time.
Works with wine version 8.19 staging for all the linux users. A native linux version would definitely be nice, but I wouldn't consider it critical to implement right now.
The menu select sound effect is pretty loud, and I think the textures could look a bit sharper, like what you could get from upscaling resolution in an emulator. Overall though, super promising and I'm glad someone is working on this!
update: no way, theres a linux version now! that is so very epic and cool