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A member registered Sep 05, 2020

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once again, this is your opinion. the game is great, fun, good quality, progressive, just like most games. By "humble" i hope you don’t mean that you hoped they kept it simple for you. Just because it doesn’t provide you with an instant grab at sexual pleasure with multiple scenes, instead making you to properly progress and earn such scenes similar to other successful games like this one. And what is copied? if you don’t like it then go play another game, there is no wasted potential at all. it love to see you attempt to produce a sufficient game at this level. Despite all of this and my attempt to give you some form of reason, you simply seem like an asshole who is too horny to play this game and should go find another source for your needs. But i don’t think the creator could give a shit about one guy who no one clearly likes, so no harm no foul.

"Those people" "Good game in their time", relax bud, your some horny guy playing sex games to get off, you're not above anyone.

(1 edit)

as much as thats your opinion, that definitely isnt a shared one considering the time, effort, and money put towards the game and the quality which it brings. You shouldnt say "im no critic" when you could just said you "in my opinion", instead of being an ass. Since the game is quite highly rated, its safe to say that "this game sucks ass" is just your opinion. Ontop of that did you really go out of your way to make an account just to say that.

honestly, as much as I don't like the picture slider in is super satisfying to complete. Although, it definitely seems like a a side thing that doesn't have to be done which it already is which is a good thing.

Waiting for the next update!! Hoping the MC will get stronger doh.

This game is amazing.

I can't explain how involved I became with the story, hoping to continue the story compared to seeing any sex scenes. Additionally, you sly bastard for that cliffhanger now I'm anticipating for the next update.

Keep up the good work and hope it comes soon. :)

P.S. Hope to see more of David, man is a legend.