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A member registered Nov 23, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much for your feedback and for posting about my game :)

Thank you very much for your feedback! I will issue a patch asap which fixes the most glaring technical issues that some have reported and adds some in-game hints so people know what to do.

Love it! Kinda puts my game to shame with the cutesy sound effects and animations :D
The only thing that I struggled with was the jumping, but after a short while I got the hang of it!

Gonna have to be tough on this one. Not a very good first impression. As of the writing of this review, I have only made it past the tutorial level and there is a reason for that. The controls are very "floaty" - I just didn't feel in control all the time. 

This is due to the character sliding along the floor after I let go of the run buttons. Couple this with the tight spaces between the spikes and you've got yourself a frustrating experience. 

The way the controls were mapped to the keyboard are also another thing I want to criticise. Jumping with W feels weird, even in a 2D game. Having jump mapped to Space and flipping the gravity mapped to E or something would have been better, in my opinion. 

The hitboxes for the spikes also feel too large and the jump arc is very small, so jumps have to be executed flawlessly, or else you'll die. I don't have much to say about the music, it's pretty basic, same with the graphics. If this is your first game, than congrats, it's an ok start. 

My intention with this harsh review isn't to trash your game for my own amusement, but rather to give you some tips, as I am also an aspiring game dev and have created my fair share of mediocre/okay games in the past. I am still struggling to this day and think that giving you my honest criticism is the best way to help you on your journey.

I will try to play through this game in the future, maybe I will change my mind about it. If I do, I'm gonna write another review here.



Hi Dave!