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A member registered Mar 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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really nice story! love the concept of making a life lesson into a horror game, i had fun playing it

had to strafe just to run faster cus the walking speed is slower than a grandpa, and i got myself stuck inside a wall just by closing a door lol

doesnt even open

(1 edit)

doesnt even launch :/

Thank you man, Itch finally works :)

(2 edits)

I was using Itch Desktop App an hour ago, but then i saw a game on youtube that looked very interesting, so i turned on my laptop and opened itch app, and then a error appears: " There was a problem during setup: Timed out while connecting to butlerd", there are two options: "Retry setup" and "View logs", i tried to look on youtube and google to find a solution, but i didn't find what i needed, so i hope someone will be good and help me fix this.