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A member registered Jan 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

im actually not sure. Hahaha sorry XD i do remember picking choices related to which character route i was taking. For example choosing to greet the LI instead of the others so i'd say i didnt choose xyx's. I just saw it was unlocked after i finished toasty's route. Tho it may have just been unlocked because i went thru all the routes already. I also went thru the comments to check if he has his own route but i havent found any answers yet.

I went to work with only 2hrs of sleep & fell asleep halfway thru my reports because of this gem. I have no regrets! i love all the LIs but i also love the other characters. Id go into details but i see the other comments have already said it well. XD

**spoiler **











Tho i do have wonder abt that one epilogue with ??? I mean how did we unlock it? Does big c*ck have his own route or just that epilogue? XD