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A member registered Jun 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nah what you're seeing is normal. I don't plan on adding sprites for player characters in combat. 

Sorry, his content's pretty much done with since the side-quest he's involved with has multiple endings. 

September 27th is the next update

this is tragic. I think I fixed it probably. We'll find out in the next release lol. 

Here's the walkthrough!

Possibly! Not every lewd scene/trap has been decided! I'd say it's more likely than not that something like that shows up by the end of the game.

There is not, once you decline the request is closed. 

Hey! I'll be fixing that in the next backers release, the possession logic kind of was dumb on my part. Anyways, if you can get her to possess you enough it'll solve itself in about 4-5 weeks or so. 

Hey! The third dungeon hasn't been implemented yet, only a single trap has been implemented since it's an easter egg for another game.

Ahhh, that's a glitch with the current version, it'll be fixed on the next release. 

Is this with the slime boss fight? 

That's not possible unfortunately. 

Hey! Unfortunately I am having problems with the artist who was commissioned for the slime sounding scene which is why it has remained undone for so long. Hopefully I'm able to get it done soon. 

Unfortunately that room is rather limited. I need to figure out a way to replay scenes to a fuller extent.

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1. The ruins can be beaten by proceeding through any of the routes. 

2. All patch notes are visible on my Patreon and this game's page under the Dev Log section. 

3. Not saving Laura results in a failure, likewise so does letting her Mother get possessed. 

Yeah this is weird, I don't know what's causing this. It doesn't seem to be universal. I'll look into it.

Ah yes, I need to fix that, thanks for reminding me. 

Glad you're enjoying the game! 

Hey! Sorry, I'm not too sure tbh. I don't think you can transfer your save files from android to another OS though. 

You have to interact with the metal door that blocks your path. 

Some effects don't have descriptions, so outside of the Status Labels and if they are given as a special passive ability there's no way to see what they do. 

You can't yet. It's not implemented in the current version. 

Olivia and Victoria Events 3 have to be completed. After completing Dungeon 1 you also have to wait 7 days. 

Maybe, not all future scenes are planned out exactly. Only the overarching dungeons (main story) are. 

Hey! This is a bug that has been fixed. The ruins aren't supposed to be accessible after completing the side-quest. Apologies! 

That's a glitch. You need to set your phones zoom to normal for the touch controls to work. Otherwise download the _Touch version of the game. 

That is normal yep

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The Science Tower doesn't exist atm

The next update is on July 26th. (This Friday)

Possession, Corruption, and Transformation fetishes are the main ones. So stuff along the lines of Ghost Possession, Slime Possession, Lesbian Domination, Skinsuit, Mind Control, etc. are in the game. 

As for the planned fetishes that's a bit of a spoiler, but each of the dungeons I have planned focus on a unique kink/fetish. 

The Patreon version is still up, nothing was deleted on my end. As long as your itch account is connected to the patreon account and you click the link that's in the post you should be able to access it. 

Each Dungeon will have a bad end. Then there will be a few bad endings based on certain stats and character path progressions. 

It depends on what you mean by full possession. If you mean at some point she'll just completely steal her life probably not. 

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There's not any Russian in the game so I'm a bit lost what you're talking about lol. And what do you mean stolen? The game's plot is done by me, the writing is done by me, the art is commissioned by me, and the game is coded by me (excluded plugins) so nothing is stolen, unless I'm misunderstanding what you meant. 

Hey! That's a glitch in the current public version, it'll be fixed in the next release!

The game has 7 dungeons planned. At this point in development I'd say the game is about 25% done. I'm hoping to finish the rest of the game within 2-3 years as I have other projects I'd like to work on afterwards.

I'm glad you've liked the game so far! 

Yeppers, each dungeon will have a unique transformation or kink focus. Outside of the dungeons there will be no permanent transformations as it's too expensive and a hassle to implement. 

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It is not, the 3rd dungeon thing is a single trap that will be in the 3rd dungeon. It's an easter egg towards the main game that inspired me to create my game. I was eager to add it so I worked on it ahead of time. 

It just allows me to get more content into the game and not be as stressed about each deadline. It also lets me release the content in a more finished state since I have more time to work on it. It also allows the artists I work with more leeway to avoid stressing them out more as well. 

Recently I feel my content quality has suffered as I'm kind of rushing to get everything implemented every month. There's no real difference in the amount of content, but I guess it'll go down slightly in the end. Quality should be higher and more polished though 

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I'm a bit confused with the question. Are you asking if there will there be more content where Emma is transformed into a futanari? 

Updates were switched to bi-monthly. Next Update is July 26th.