strip the dealer is accurate, as only they strip. As you strip dealers you unlock more levels which have different girls with higher minimum bets. The game otherwise plays like regular blackjack with dealers stripping when you win and putting clothes back on when they win.
A member registered Mar 07, 2021 · View creator page →
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Create an immersive creature-capturing experience with this plugin for RPG Maker MZ.
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oh that'd be awesome! I dislike I need to provide a link to the license itself and that i need to indicate if changes were made. if i were to use these it'd be for development on this system: it's difficult to display these in a reasonable way that doesn't look terrible at a resolution of 120x120. I have no problem crediting you, but i'd prefer it be something simple i can fit in a limited amount of space, like "Tilesets by GibbonGL"