Good to hear you're still kicking! I look forward to the new update!
Recent community posts
Nah, not yet. Some of it is completed - shops, arcade, food - but the actual dungeon dungeon isn't. If you haven't been to the city at all yet, I strongly suggest you grind a bit, there's a certain boss fight at the start that perma game overs you if you lose (you can still load a save, but you don't wake up at the church).
Tldr: it's a metric fuckton of work and unlikely to happen.
Longer answer: the animation in this game is primarily done using layering. As in you have an image model, and then you have each other aspect of the model - lets use Kotone for an example. She has a bunch of default models, but she also has a bunch of different faces, different tails, different clothes, et cetera. Aany picture with her has at bare minimum a tail pic, a face pic, a body pic, and a clothes pic. Many also have arm pics or her gem, or special lighting, you get the idea.
For each of those "animations", you have to make sure everything is properly linked up, so you don't have someone ahegaoing when talking normally. As of 25.9 kotone has 203 images in her set. Even if you gave each character an eigth of that, it's still so much more work than is at all reasonable.
As such if they do add animations to other characters, it'll likely either be after the story is complete or as side projects/reworks like Nicci and the mimics.
As for why they don't have individual loss scenes, same issue. It's a ton of work for something that is less impactful than a new story expansion.
I mean, assuming the enchantment is what also makes all the monsters human-compatible, I would figure it would remove the cyanide in her body. Not much point in enabling wild monkey sex if all your sexual fluids are full of toxic chemicals. Even after it wears down, Slimes are shown to have their appearance change based on food preferences - NOT the makeup of their bodies. Besides, cyanide isn't red, so it's far more likely she's taken pigmentation in, and expelled the toxic byproduct after the fact.
Also, just so you know, this wouldn't even be an issue unless someone ATE Perpetua. Cherry pits DO NOT have cyanide in and of itself - they have a compound called amygdalin that WHEN METABOLIZED BY HUMANS breaks down into minute quantities of cyanide. Moreover, the amount of cyanide needed to prove lethal is equal to approximately 1.5 times the numerical weight of that person in milligrams. So, to kill a 150-pound adult human, you would need around 100 grams of cyanide. The average amount of cyanide in a single cherry pit is about .17 grams, meaning almost 600 would need to not only be metabolized but also NOT DISSIPATE. In order to reach the concentrations you're thinking of without dissipation, Perpetua would need to eat literal tons of cherries each day.
So, it's not really an issue.
Source: My father, who has worked as a chemist for almost 50 years. He gave me some really odd looks at my questions.
Open up your game folder, navigate to renpy/common/00console.rpy
Open it with Notepad or another basic text editor.
Find the line with config.console = false and change it to true.
Open the game and hit shift-O to open the console (that's the letter, not a 0).
The code to set your max arousal/lives/magic to max are player.stats.max_(hp/sp/ep) += (value)
The code to change your stats are player.stats.(Power/Tech/Int/Willpower/Allure/Luck) += (value).
Alternatively you can do player.stats.Exp += 100000000 to give yourself a hundred million xp so that you shoot to lvl 400 instantly.
Keep in mind this is the renpy console, so it's entirely possible to fuck up your save (just like you could do with any editor). There's also a page on the wiki for other commands. One thing to note is that it's case sensitive, and there are still things that can either instakill you (such as the Tengus in Will-Power Temple).
Here's the link to the wiki page:
So, notably this isn't possible on hard mode (you can't go over 3 starting spirit) and can only be taken once from Sophia. There's also the runes, as you mentioned, Vili's Wisdom perk, the teachers pet perk, three levels of "spiritual reserves" perk from levelup, and the nymph's blessing. Most of these (Vili, Sophia, and Teachers Pet) all have negatives, but are fairly easy to mitigate.
As stated many times in this thread, discord, and more, no. Too much effort, the layering models Thresh uses would require a complete revamp, and all in all content comes before polish. Sorry if that sounds a bit brusque, but you're FAR from the first person to ask. There are a few monster girl stances that have different cg (Aiko for example), but that's about it.
From what I know, Thresh wants to finish thr core game first before adding on things like that. Not to mention the methods they use to render models won't work very well with animation. Look in the folder for Kotone, she has a hundred or so individual layers for various expressions. You'd need to copy every one for animated frames, or change the framework.